• Counter :
  • 532
  • Date :
  • 6/13/2006

Evening Primrose

Oenothera lamarckiana (Onagraceae)

A robust annual, of unknown origin which has naturalized throughout the United States. Flowers are light yellow borne on tall, sturdy spikes. Blooms are up to 2 inches across, opening in late afternoon. Prefers well-drained soils in full sun. Evening Primrose can tolerate high pH levels and is less aggressive than other species within this plant family.

Average planting success with this species: 70%
Height: 2-4 feet
Germination: 15-30 days
Optimum soil temperature for germination: 65-70F
Sowing depth: 1/16"
Blooming period: May-July
Average seeds per pound: 864,000
Seeding rate: 3 lbs. per acre
Suggested use: Roadsides, meadow, fence lines.
Miscellaneous: Prolific reseeder. An excellent variety for summer color.

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