ممنون از ریسرچر گرامی به خاطر ارائه تکلیف.
حین کارام اینو چندین بار گذاشتم تا گوشم آشنا بشه....کم کم چیزایی میشنیدم!
البته بعدش خیلی سعی کردم اما ...!
ببخشید دیگه، ممکنه اصلا معنی نده.
You keep push me a.....
How can I break rule?
There is no trop in to his rule
There is so say to leave it Takes time to bereave it
Go after All said and done
You gonna be the low level all
Do you believe in laugh at the life?
How can feel something that so we say?
Really don’t think strongly that now
suppose to do...
Several in Wait for youWell I can’t do that
And there is no...infact
And need say to move up
And new love feel strong
Who does have a turn?Take it rule
And Maybe on to go for you all
Do you believe in laugh at the life
How can feel something that so we say
Really don’t think strongly that now
Well I know there are ...
Who does know I’m strong?
That all need to join/joy in a ball/boy
Ahhhh…only join in the ball
.Do you believe in laugh at the life?
How can I feel something that so say?
Really don’t think strongly that