دوشنبه 26 آذر 1403 - 12 جمادي الثاني 1446 - 16 دسامبر 2024
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The Christian Monk on the Journey from Karbala to Damascus
One night they rested in the mountain top of a hermitage of a monk who had devoted his life to prayers and meditation. Shimr gave the heads of the martyrs to him for safe keeping. Just one look at the face of Imam Hussein (A.S) convinced the hermit ...
Head of Imam Hussein (A.S)
One of the miracles that Allah Almighty gave to Imam Hussein (A.S) was that his sacred head spoke as it was being ...
There will be no such thing as Israel in 25 years: Ayatollah Khamenei
By Allahs favor and grace, nothing called the Zionist regime will exist by 25 years from now. We are willing to negotiate with the whole world, but we will not negotiate with America. We are ...
We dont want an Iranian version of the Wall Street: Ayatollah Khamenei
In a meeting with university professors, Ayatollah Khamenei noted that: In the U.S. there are mountains of wealth next to valleys of misery and poverty, is this what we want for Iran? As we have pointed out frequently before, this meeting is a ...
Third Theme: Factors Helping to Overcome Crisis
Ayatollah Khamenei: “The world of Islam has one healing prescription and that is ...
Second Theme: Factors Causing Crisis
Ayatollah Khamenei: “Today everyone in the world is an eyewitness to the fact that the United States along with its allies still supports the most vicious terrorists – Daesh and the like – and despite claiming to fight them, it never ...
Ayatollah Khamenei’s Viewpoints on the Ongoing Crises in the World of Islam
The 29th International Islamic Unity Conference was held in Tehran on December 27-29, 2015. Like the previous 28 conferences, the 29th conference was held concurrent with the birth anniversary of the Prophet (PBUH) of Islam. In its current year summit, ..
Study: Wearing Hijab Helps Body Confidence
British Muslim women who wear the hijab feel generally better about their body image than those who don’t wear the hijab. The research, conducted by Dr Viren Swami from the University of Westminster and colleagues looked at ...
Imam Ali: Voice of Justice
Generally there are two approaches to politics: politics minus ethics, which is also known as Machiavellian politics; and ethical politics which is Islamic in which ...
An Important Question from the Advocates of Human Rights
Today, centuries after the advent of Islam, when the story of Imam Ali’s justice – even in treating his enemies – echoes in the history of mankind, there comes a question to the mind: What is the real human right? ...
Rights of the People Defeated in War
Many sublime concepts existed in Islam since its advent. These concepts include the human rights, human dignity, freedom, social equity, legitimate right of security and defense, social security, ...
Human Rights in Islam: Fair Treatment of Enemy
In the Battle of Jamal, when the people of Basra were defeated and escaped away, the soldiers of Islam followed them. Amidst the fight and flee a pregnant woman from Basra was struggling hard to escape. She fell on the ground and ...
Fair Treatment of Enemy in Alavi Teachings
After the Battle of Jamal and the escape of the people of Basra, Imam Ali (A.S) granted general amnesty while in all wars of those days, the victorious commanders considered ...
Imam Ali’s Rules in Fighting Enemies
Some of these rights are related to observing the rights of the enemy. In this regard, Imam Ali (A.S) instructed his soldiers to observe the following recommendations before any war with the enemies: ...
From Alavi Human Rights to Western Human Rights
For those even with limited information about Islam and Islamic history it is clear that “human rights” in view of Islam is not merely a passive and comparative issue. Today, we are not starting a discussion to present a ...
Significance of Eid al-Adha
As is clear the Words of God are self-explanatory concerning the monotheistic stature of Prophet Abraham (Peace be upon him), and the ...
How I Found My Happiness
In 1968 I was born and raised in Hannover, a big city in Germany as a Christian, a Protestant, just because my parents were Christians. All my life I believed in God but I have never been too religious.All my life I believed in God but I have never ...
The Public Rites of Remembrance for Imam Hussein (A.S): Part 6
The Imams of the Holy Family, thus, created the institution of the rites of remembrance for Imam Hussein (A.S). During the earliest Islamic eras, this institution began its activity in a limited form. Some contributory factors strengthened ...
The Public Rites of Remembrance for Imam Hussein (A.S): Part 5
During the periods of the next three Imams, Ali ibn Muhammad al-Hadi (A.S) (b. Medina, 212, d. Samarra , 254), al-Hassan ibn Ali al-Askari (b. Medina 231 or 232, d. Samarra 260) and the ...
The Public Rites of Remembrance for Imam Hussein (A.S): Part 4
The period of his son, the seventh Imam Musa al-Kazim, was a much blacker period for the Shia. During it they were treated dreadfully by the Abbasid authorities as their organizations strove to ...
The Public Rites of Remembrance for Imam Hussein (A.S): Part 3
From the sources, it appears that by the time of Imam Jafar ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq (A.S) (80 or 83-148), the gatherings devoted to the memory of the Holy Family and their tragedies, and the foremost of them, the tragedy of Imam Hussein (A.S), had become ..
The Public Rites of Remembrance for Imam Hussein (A.S): Part 2
In the time of Imam Abu Jafar Muhammad al-Baqir (A.S), the son of Imam Zayn al-Abidin (A.S) (57-114 or 117), who was present at Karbala with his father when he was four years old, he issued a directive which gave a ...
The Public Rites of Remembrance for Imam Hussein (A.S): Part 1
The revolution of Imam Hussein (A.S) was a tremendous event which sent a convulsion through the whole of Islamic society, breaking down the false calmness and the silence which had wrapped itself around it. It made Islamic society ...
Jabirs powerful words to Atiyyah on the Arbaeen of Imam Hussein (A.S)
Al-A’mash narrates from ‘Atiyyah al-‘Awfi, who said: I left with Jabir bin ‘Abdillah al-Ansari (may Allah have mercy on him) to visit the grave of al- Hussein bin ‘Ali bin Abi Talib (upon whom be peace); and when we entered Karbala, Jabir ...
How Do We View Hussein (A.S) in the Depth of History
Reviving the memory of Ahl-ul-Bayt (A.S) is not restricted to verbal forms like reciting poetry, mentioning their good traits, establishing mourning ceremonies, and so forth, though each of these ...
Imam Hussein (A.S) and the Renewal of Islam
As the mourning period of Ashura passes, one might pose this important question: Why the need for this commemoration? And why must we again speak of a revolution that took place some fourteen centuries ago? In his revolution, Imam Hussein (A.S) ...
“Karbala” Origin & Meaning
There are many opinions among different investigators, as to the origin of the word Karbala. Some have pointed out that Karbala has a connection to the Karbalato language, while others attempt to derive the meaning of word Karbala by analyzing ...
Forty Days Later
Whats so significant about the 40th day after the massacre of Ashura? Why are the Islamic canters holding commemoration programs for Imam Husseins (peace be upon him) martyrdom exactly 40 days later?It turns out that the 40 days later corresponds ...
Experience of Iraqi Talks
107 – August: Beginning of official talks between Iran and the United States – 1981, 108 – December: Granting credit to Iraq to purchase ...
Case of North Korea’s Talks
42 – First Phase: 9-11 November 2005, 43 – North Korea threatens to walk out of talks because of the ...
The Experience of Libya’s Talks
13 – December: including Libya in the list of states sponsoring terrorism. 14 – December: Libyan people’s attack on ...
America and the Weapon of Talks
Great Deal Approach: In 2003, Sadeq Kharrazi proposed the idea of great deal to Swiss Ambassador in Tehran, but the American officials by following the policy of ...
What drives people to convert to Islam?
Muslims believe however, that the Islamic religion is different in this context. One may argue that similar to other faiths there are aspects of it which are not completely demonstrable by reason but on the other hand, ...
Content Analysis of Islamic Awakening in Leader’s Speeches
The enemies fear the word “Islamic Awakening”. They try to prevent the application of this word for this great movement. Why? Because they tremble when Islam appears in its real image, and is manifested in its real size. They don’t fear the Islam which ..
Chronology of Imam Hussein’s uprising
This Infographic help you to know more about the Chronology of Imam Hussein’s uprising and what happened in the karbala in the simplest way.
Karbala: The True Hajj (Part 3)
It is important to note that a pilgrim who performs Hajj without recognizing Karbala to be its true essence does not gain the real fruits of his/her pilgrimage. In the words of Dr. Ali Shariati: Imam Hussein did not complete his Hajj in order to ...
Karbala: The True Hajj (Part 2)
We learn from Imam Hussein that there was a more important goal for him to accomplish than completing the rituals of Hajj and risking bloodshed in the Haram. Actually, it would be an erroneous statement to say that ...
Karbala: The True Hajj (Part 1)
The month of Dhil Hijjah has just passed and the sorrowful month of Muharram has emerged, bringing along with it all its grief, sadness, and mourning as the New Year commences. It was in the year 60 A.H. when Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) and ...
Imam Al-Hussein’s March: The means and the goals
When we want to study the march of Imam Hussein (A.S), we have to take it as a whole. We have to study it, he made peace as well as when he make war. In both cases, he was a revolutionary. To engage in a revolution does not mean only ....
Basic Information on Ashura and Imam Hussein (A.S)
In the month of Muharram 61 AH (approx. 20 October 680 AD), an event took place in Iraq at a place known as Karbala on the bank of the river Euphrates. A large army which had been mobilized by the Umayyad regime besieged a group of persons numbering ...
The Route of Imam Hussein from Mekka to Karbala
The map shows the Route that Imam Hussein (A.S) took when he left Makkah for Iraq. The date was 8th Zilhijja 60 Hijri (10.9.680 AD). With him there were about 50 people including women and children of his family and friends. His uncle Ibne Abbas and ...
Personal life and conduct, sign of fidelity or infidelity
Once, Moqaira bin Shaaba went to see Moawia. He advised him to give up some of his deeds and conduct a clean life. But Moawia told Moqaira that after death he wont be remembered. Besides such words, Moawia had ...
Selfishness and Fidelity
Ibn Abi al-Hadid in his “Sharhe Nahjal Balagha” says: “many of our followers doubted the religious beliefs of Moawia and did not stop calling him profligate but also believed him to be infidel. He narrates: “ ...
Fidelity and Infidelity
Khawarij were a quite deviant, dangerous, and misguided group who did the greatest evils against Imam Ali (PBUH). However, Imam Reza (PBUH) describes Moawia and his followers as ...
Why Did You Convert to Islam?
The most common question that I am asked by both Muslims and non-Muslims is, Why did you convert to Islam? This is a simple question, but the answer is both easy and extremely complicated for me to answer. I could write ...
Islam’s Objectives
Based on what we have said in in previous sections it can be said that piety and truth seeking dominate Islam’s religious politics. Providing material welfare, dignity and freedom based on ...
Public Resources for the Destitute
In a letter to his governor in Mecca Qutham ibn Abbas, Imam Ali advices him to spend public resources for the destitute: “Beware of National Purse, spend its money on those who have numerous families, the hungry and the poor and destitute. If any ...
Supporting the Poor
Liberalism requires those who have dropped behind in the brutal completion of the free market be left alone. Spending the government’s budget or a portion of the income of other people for ...
Commanding Good and Prohibiting Evil
In the Islamic society everyone is responsible for promoting values and reforming and eliminating ethical vices. This collective duty which serves as a public supervision is called the principle of ...
Objectives of Enforcing Islamic Laws
According to this saying, Imam has been given the mission to enforce Islamic law and distribute resources justly in addition to guiding and directing the society. In another narration, ...
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