جمعه 23 آذر 1403 - 9 جمادي الثاني 1446 - 13 دسامبر 2024
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Islamic Theology: Full Power (Tafwidh) and Determinism (Jabr), Chap: 6 B
Shi’a theologians following the teachings of Ahlul-Bayt (a.s) reject both the dogma of absolute determinism as well as absolute free will. They believe in a matter in between...
Islamic Theology: Full Power (Tafwidh) and Determinism (Jabr), Chap: 6 A
In the Holy Quran there are many Ayaat which seem to endorse the dogma of fatalism as there are many other Ayaat that appear to condone the concept of man’s free will...
Islamic Theology: Justice of God Chap: 5
Among all of His Attributes of Action, the divine Attribute of Justice ( al-Adl ) is given special attention by theologians to the extent that Shiite...
Islamic Theology: Proofs for the Existence of God -Chap 3 Part B
In the following we learn some of the most famous theological proofs for the existence of God. Some of these proofs will...
Islamic Theology: Unity of God; God’s Names and Attributes Chap 4 B
Islam encourages man to ponder on the creation of God and His attributes of actions. God is unlimited and hence it is impossible for a limited being to comprehend the Essence of God....
Islamic Theology: Unity of God; God’s Names and Attributes Chap 4/A
Monotheism [ Touhid ] and the unity of God is the core of the Islamic faith. The accuracy of all other beliefs and practices in Islam is examined by monotheism...
Islamic Theology: Proofs for the Existence of God-Chap 3 Part A
In this lesson the most famous theological proofs for the existence of God will be discussed. However, one must bear in mind that the promised...
Islamic Theology: Towards a meaningful life Chap 2
Is our universe an organized system or it is like some scribbles on a piece of paper? If it is an organized system, which it obviously is....
Islamic Theology: Definition and History Chap 1
Theology literally is driven from the Greek term ‘theos’ -God- and ‘logy’ –science, study...
What Is The Philosophy Behind Prohibition Of Pork?
A pig, even for the Europeans, who principally consume pork, is a symbol of dastardliness, and is an animal that is filthy and squalid. ...
What Is The Philosophy Behind The Prohibition Of Liquor?
A distinguished Western scholar avers that if there are 51 deaths amongst the youths, who are between the ages of 21 and 23, and addicted to alcoholic beverages....
The meaning of Equality according to Islam
The only thing that needs be taken into consideration – to which Islam has paid special attention but which some individuals reject out of excessive and imprudent sentimentality - is the issue of physical and psychological difference between man and woman
What is the philosophy behind the prohibition on Gambling?
Very rarely can one be found, who is unaware of the various harms of gambling, and in order to further explain this fact, we present here, succinctly, some of its evil consequences.....
The School of Humanity The Discourse of Ayatullah Murtaza Mutahhari
The subject of our discourse is the school of humanity. The human being who is the only inquisitive being in the world that we know, has always been subjected to investi- gation and discussion...
The achievements of IBN SINA in the field of science and his contributions to its philosophy
Ibn Sina is generally known as one of the most important philosophers and physicians, one whose contributions to science and philosophy have attracted numerous studies. This article provide...
Soul in Islamic Philosophy
ophy SHAMS C. INATI The discussion of the human soul, its existence, nature, ultimate objective and eternity, occupies a highly important position in Islamic philosophy and forms its main focus. For the most part Mus...
Causality and Islamic thought
ght Andrey Smirnov The great disputants within the Islamic tradition, the Mutakallimun, laid down the basis for rational discussion of causality by affirming the right of reason to engage in independent research. Thi...
An Analysis, Critique, and Study of Mulla Sadra’s life
ife Mulla Sadra’s character is of different dimensions, and his life is an eventful one. Unlike other philosophers, he did not live a normal life. He was not merely a philosopher, thinker, and founder of a philosophica...
The influence of Islamic Philosophy on Maimonides's Thought
The overall purpose of the Law is twofold: to promote the welfare of the body and to promote the welfare of the soul. The welfare of the soul is achieved inasmuch as sound views are implanted in the minds of people, to the ...
Epistemology in Islamic philosophy
phy SHAMS C. INATI Muslim philosophers agree that knowledge is possible. Knowledge is the intellect's grasp of the immaterial forms, the pure essences or universals that constitute the natures of things, and human hap...
Mulla Sadra's Appropriation and Critique of the Illuminationist Concept of Knowledge
By: Ibrahim Kalin This paper aims to accomplish three interrelated goals. The first is stated explicitly in the title, and it is Mulla Sadra’s critical evaluation of Suhrawardi’s version of knowledge by presence (al-‘ilm al-...
Aristotelianism in Islamic philosophy
hy In Arabic, Aristotle was referred to by name as Aristutalis or, more frequently, Aristu, although when quoted he was often referred to by a sobriquet such as 'the wise man'. Aristotle was also generally known as the First...
Mystical philosophy in Islam
lam Seyyed Hossein Nasr Mystical philosophy has an intimate connection with the mainstream of Islamic philosophy. It consists of several main strands, ranging from Isma'ili thought to the metaphysics of al-Ghazali and Ibn...
Greek philosophy: impact on Islamic philosophy
hy During the Hellenistic period (323-43 B.C.), classical Greek philosophy underwent a radical transformation. From being an essentially Greek product, it developed into a cosmopolitan and eclectic cultural movement in which...
Al Ghazālī, Causality, and Knowledge
dge Peter Adamson University of Notre Dame ABSTRACT: Few passages in Arabic philosophy have attracted as much attention as al-Ghazālī’s discussion of causality in the seventeenth discussion of Tah&...
UT” MASSIMO CAMPANINI Rationalism is one of the main issues which tends to be raised in interpreting Averroes' thought. Whoever tries to define Averroes as a rationalist, makes him basically a follower of the Greek herita...
Islamic philosophy
phy Islamic philosophy may be defined in a number of different ways, but the perspective taken here is that it represents the style of philosophy produced within the framework of Islamic culture. This description does not ...
Islamic Philosophical Arguments for the Existence of God
God Majid Fakhry After Wensinck’s brilliant study [1] a fresh examination of the argument for the existence of God in Islam might appear impertinent. Some justification for the present discussion, however, may be foun...
The Qur'an and Hadith as source and inspiration
Of Islamic philosophy Seyyed Hossein Nasr Viewed from the point of view of the Western intellectual tradition, Islamic philosophy appears as simply Graeco-Alexandrian philosophy in Arabic dress, a philosophy whose sole...
The Relationship between Philosophy and Theology in the Postmodern Age
e Dr. Muhammad Legenhausen When I was a student at a Catholic high school in Queens, New York, I was taught that although philosophy is the mother of the sciences, she is also the handmaid of theology. Sometimes the dialo...
The meaning and concept of philosophy in Islam
lam Seyyed Hossein Nasr In the light of the Qur'an and Hadith in both of which the term hikmah has been used,1 Muslim authorities belonging to different schools of thought have sought over the ages to define the meaning ...