يکشنبه 25 آذر 1403 - 11 جمادي الثاني 1446 - 15 دسامبر 2024
تبیان، دستیار زندگی
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صفحه اصلی تبیان
شبکه اجتماعی
فروشگاه اینترنتی
The Holy Qur’an and the Psychology of Colours
The world of creation with all its wonders is indeed a delight for the eyes. The All-Wise Creator brought into existence the universe and endowed it with a variety of colours in order to make ...
The World View of the Holy Qur’an
Before anything else, we should study the intellectual and cultural environment from which the Holy Qur’an arose. From the point of view of all historians, the Hijaz was among the most ...
Coupling in animates in view of Qur’an (Part 2)
The attraction of the male animal for the female one and the mutual attraction existing between these two living beings, expressly for getting pleasure out of life, reproduction and survival of the species, is one of the biological wonders. Anyone who ...
Coupling in animates in view of Qur’an (Part 1)
The Qur’anic verses give prominence to the issue of marriage and coupling both in animate and human as well as in objects and examinates. The following text adopted from ...
The Quran indicates, when recounting Prophet Sulaymans (A.S) life, that ants have a communication system: Then, when they reached the Valley of the Ants, an ant said: ...
How was the creation of man according to the Qur’an? (Part 3)
Evolution or Transformism which says that organisms weren’t in the forms they are seen today, but were ...
How was the creation of man according to the Qur’an? (Part 2)
From another perspective, all people are looked at separately. Of course, this perspective isn’t in contradiction with the first, meaning that looking at the issue from both perspectives can give the same results. If we say that all people come from ...
How was the creation of man according to the Qur’an? (Part 1)
The Qur’an has explained the creation of man and his origin using different words and phrases. Some verses say that the initial material man comes from is clay. Other verses say it is water, while a third group say it is ...
Was the earth created before the sky? (Part 3)
. When it comes to how the earth and the sky were created, there are different views and beliefs. However, the question is: ...
Was the earth created before the sky? (Part 2)
1. Have all creatures, even animals like dinosaurs which have gone extinct, been created for man? In reply to the first question (As repeated above) we must say that in order that the ambiguity be resolved, you do not need to take the trouble by ...
Was the earth created before the sky? (Part 1)
The Holy Qur’an says in verse 28 of Chapter al-Baqarah: “He it is Who created for you all that is in the earth, and He directed Himself to the heaven, so He made them complete seven heavens, and He knows all things.” If all ...
If there are levels for heaven, are there levels for hell?
What is understood from Qur’anic verses and the ahadith is that, similar to heaven [1], hell has different levels, and sinners will be put into these levels depending on the number and type of their sins. In a hadith from Imam Baqir (A.S) about ...
Lessons from the Story of Abel and Cain (Part 2)
The lack of God-consciousness was the major downfall of Cain, but it did not stop there. When good is absent, evil takes over. When ...
Lessons from the Story of Abel and Cain (Part 1)
Storytelling is one of the major approaches used by the Quran to convey Gods message. Since the Qur’an is meant for all ages until the Day of Judgment, the stories referenced in the Qur’an will continue to ...
Islam and Medicine (Part 4)
Death occurs if the temperature of the body exceeds 106 degrees irrespective of the cause. Medically speaking the first line of treatment is to lower the temperature by cold water, ice sponging or even immersing the patient in cold water. On this ...
Islam and Medicine (Part 3)
Ingested blood on reaching the intestine is acted upon by various bacteria normally present there resulting in poisonous products like ammonia which is toxic to the liver. Therefore, God has ...
Islam and Medicine (Part 2)
This vital organ of the body has to be always healthy and efficient as it is responsible for the circulation of blood. Diseased heart results in deterioration of the healthy body. This knowledge we ...
Islam and Medicine (Part 1)
lslam is the religion of all times and places. It is a perfect system of temporal values. By practicing its laws Muslims all over the world not only attain spirituality but the pinnacle of all other glories and gain the wealth of health. There is ...
Hajj: The Necessity of Attending to Quran During Hajj
I would like to remind the dear pilgrims that during their journey to the ...
The Problem of the Origin of Life (Part 2)
We said that the Noble Qur’an explicitly affirms that life lies in the hands of God and that it negates the role of anyone else in the creation of life. However, the Qur’an never refers to the matter of ...
The Problem of the Origin of Life (Part 1)
Ordinarily, when (theistic) thinkers want to relate the matter of life to God and Divine will, they bring up the problem of origin of life on the earth and the question regarding the cause of the first emergence of life. Conclusive scientific evidence ...
The Qur’an and the Nature of Life
Here we intend to carry out a Qur’anic study of the problem of life to find out the specific viewpoint of the Qur’an about life. In particular, we intend to study the view that the Qur’an takes of the ....
Optimistic Picture of the Future in the Qur’anic View
As you may know, Islam, like all other religions, portrays an optimistic picture of the future. This portrayal has been done in the manner most beautiful in the Holy Qur’an. Therefore, right in the beginning of creation, it is stated that ...
The Secret Number, Forty, in the Qur’an
Number Forty is a special number in the religious and Islamic culture. The significance of the age of forty is undeniable, as Prophet Muhammad said, “When one gets forty God tells ...
The Infinite Power of God (part 3)
One whose heart beats with the love of God and flows over ...
The Infinite Power of God (part 2)
Strictly speaking, no creature in the scheme of the ...
The Infinite Power of God (part 1)
The infinite power of God has no clearer proof than ...
The Boundless Knowledge of God (part 3)
The Quran says: God is aware of all that exists on
The Boundless Knowledge of God (part 2)
A certain thinker once said, Our world resembles a great ...
The Boundless Knowledge of God (part 1)
A Creator Who cannot be circumscribed by place, for ...
Where Are Two Easts And Two Wests?
In the Holy Qur’an the mention of East and West is done in the form of ...
The Reality of Angels
The Noble Qur’an has spoken about the angels on numerous occasions with a great number of verses speaking of their attributes, characteristics and responsibilities. So much so that the Qur`an places the issue of belief in the angels at par with belief ...
What Is The Aim of Repetitions In The Holy Qur’an?
Why are some Verses repeated in the Qur’an and in this way why are some stories mentioned on many places? We should remember that the Holy Qur’an was revealed over a period of 23 years according to ...
The Mention of Water in the Holy Qur’an (Part 2)
For most substances, solids are denser than liquids. But the special properties of water make it less dense as a solid - ice floats on water! Strong hydrogen bonds formed at freezing 0*C (32*F) lock water molecules away from each other. When ice melts, ..
From Where and For What I Came Here and Where I am Going?
These are the first questions, which are asked by the original nature of human being. These questions arise in everyone’s heart. What is the aim of our life? For what are we created? What is the way of our happiness? But most of the ...
The Mention of Water in the Holy Quran (Part 1)
H2O is a very familiar chemical formula to any high school student. We are so dependent on water that no one can deny its vital role in our life. Its importance in forming the creation in all of its ...
How does the Quran present God? (part 2)
In other verses, mans attention is drawn to the manner of ...
How does the Quran present God? (part 1)
When we wish to assess the scientific personality ...
AL-QURAN, The Miracle of Miracles (part 2)
The first example is from the translation by ...
AL-QURAN, The Miracle of Miracles (part 1)
Say: If the whole of mankind and jinns were to ...
Surely Allah is the Creator and Nourisher
Winter in many parts of the world is extremely severe ...
Quranic Style of Storytelling
In order to appeal to human beings’ hearts and ...
Pondering on the Quran
In most of the Middle Eastern countries where ...
O Mankind, We created you from a single (pair) of a male and ...
Is the Quran Only For Arabs?
A Sikh friend of mine was given some literature to ...
Authenticity of the Qur’an: Another Approach
It must be stressed that the Qur’an is accurate ...
Attraction of the Quran
One of the aspect of the Quran which serves to ...
7 tips for improving your relationship with the Quran
Are you one of those people who rarely touches the ...
Alteration of Day and Night, scientific Signs in the Noble Qur’an for people of understanding
In the Noble Qur’an,wherever the word ‘Sign(s)’ is used it reveals that something is going to be known for the guidance of those who contemplate over the mysteries of contents in that verse. That is why along with the word sign, people of understanding ..
Fingertips, one of Allah’s signs in His creation
A man came to the prophet, with dead bones and asks him O Muhammad do you say that Allah (God) will bring me back to life after I become like this dead Bones. Then Allah (God) replies with this verse in the holy Quran: ...
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