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انگليسي (بازدید: 3153)
چهارشنبه 15/7/1388 - 18:11 -0 تشکر 156949

 با عرض سلام خدمت دوستان عزیز این متن را برای دوستانی قرار می دهم که می خواهند در آموزشگاه lecture دهند.

 Secrets of Success Want to know the secrets of success? Here they are.                                                                  The staff of Investor’s Business Daily has made it their business to track and analyze successful people across all walks of life. Over the years, they discovered that most successful people have 10 traits in common. And that these 10 traits together help successful people meet their goals and turn dreams into reality.    How many of these 10 secrets of success do you practice? 1.      How you think is everything. Remember to “think positive” at every opportunity. Visualize success, not failure. Avoid negative environments and people.                   You are what you think. In fact, a study shows that positive thinking actually increases longevity. 2.      Decide on your dreams and goals. Be specific about your goals. For example, say “I am taking a cooking class next month,” rather than “I would like to take a cooking class sometime.” Create a plan to reach your goals, and stick to it. 3.      Take action. Goals alone have no meaning; you need to take action to make them real. Don’t let fear hold you back. "Just do it." 4.      Never stop learning. Take classes, go back to school, read books, join a discussion group. If you are interested in a subject, make time to learn about it. Keep acquiring new skills. 5.      Be persistent and work hard. You’ve probably heard the expression, “success is a marathon, not a sprint.” Keep your eye on the goal, and keep working toward it. Don’t give up. 6.      Learn to analyze details. Get all the facts, and ask for input. This will help you make wiser decisions. Acknowledge your mistakes, but don’t beat yourself up. Learn from your mistakes. 7.      Focus your time and money. When you believe in something, put your attention and energy there. Don’t let people or things distract you. 8.      Don’t be afraid to innovate; be different. Be true to yourself, and have your own ideas. Following the crowd is a path to mediocrity. 9.      Communicate with people effectively. Remember that no person is an island. Communicate your thoughts and desires honestly, and encourage others to communicate honestly with you. Practice understanding and motivating other people. 10. Be honest and dependable; take responsibility for what you do. Never cheat or lie. When you make a promise, keep it. When you screw up, admit it. Without honesty, dependability and responsibility, the other nine secrets of success don’t add up to much.


دوشنبه 20/7/1388 - 18:15 - 0 تشکر 157881


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