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Health tips for Ramadhan (Part 2)

month of ramadhan

Eating protein-rich foods such as eggs, grains, dairy products and meat along with fruits, vegetables, low-fat milk, fruit juice and several cups of weak tea is an effective way to reduce daytime thirst particularly in the elderly. Drinking at least six glasses of water or tea between Iftar and Suhoor can also compensate for an individual’s need for water.

Despite the general belief, drinking a lot of tea for Suhoor does not quench thirst. As a matter of fact, the caffeine increases urination, leading to an increased excretion of water and minerals from the body and, in turn, causes more thirst.

 Having weak tea or adding a little lemon juice to tea, however, can be helpful. Drinking too much water during Suhoor, similarly, dilutes the stomach content and causes bloating and indigestion. Individuals are also recommended to drink gradually while eating Suhoor.

Individuals are urged to eat more vegetables and fruits for Suhoor to not only overcome thirst but also prevent constipation. While having small amounts of watermelon and cantaloupe can effectively fight thirst, honeydew melon is not a good choice for those who fast. Grape extract has tonic properties and is suggested for those who feel weak during the day. Diabetic people, however, should avoid the extract. Having soup for Iftar is also an effective way to compensate the required water and minerals.

While foods high in complex carbohydrates such as bread, rice and potatoes and whole grain breads are highly suggested for Suhoor, individuals should avoid other carbohydrate-rich foods including candies and chocolate as they release energy rapidly. As for Iftar, however, having foods high in carbohydrate can compensate for the reduced glucose levels experienced as a result of fasting.

Salt should be avoided during Ramadhan as it increases the excretion of fluids from the body, causing thirst. Following a balanced diet can provide the body with the required amounts of salt, indicating that there would be no need for extra salt.

Soup and pottage along with date, milk and weak tea are the best options for Iftar as they are fairly light and prepare the stomach for dinner. It is recommended that individuals avoid drinking too much water during Iftar as it may contribute to fatigue and stomach pain.

One should avoid heavy meals for Iftar in order to prevent extra pressure on the stomach. If an individual intends to eat dinner as well, two hours after Iftar is the best time for a light dinner. Eating a fruit or nuts after Iftar is recommended. Half a glass of fruit juice can substitute a fruit.

Sweet desserts are not recommended as they make the individual feel hungry after a while (such foods contain simple carbohydrates which enter the blood rapidly; they stimulate pancreas secretion and shortly cause reduced blood glucose levels).

Nutritionists also urge individuals to replace butter, fat, mayonnaise and various desserts including chocolates with herbal fats such as those extracted from olive and nuts (peanuts, nuts, hazelnuts and …).

Constipation, indigestion and bloating, fatigue, aggressiveness, reduced vision, dizziness, low blood pressure, headaches, loss of concentration, excessive sweating, tremor, palpation and muscular cramps are frequent complications experienced while fasting. These are all believed to be secondary to adopting a bad diet in Ramadhan rather than fasting per se.


Lowering the intake of fat-rich, spicy and fried foods as well as refined carbohydrates and foodstuffs with flatulence properties - such as eggs, lettuce, lentils, beans and carbonated sodas and adding more water and whole grain bread to the diet can help individuals overcome many of these problems.

Source: presstv.ir

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