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  • Date :
  • 12/9/2016

Mickey Tsum Tsum Pencil Case

mickey tsum tsum pencil case

With classes starting again, it’s time to organize those school supplies. With felt, fabric glue, and a zipper, you can create your own Mickey Tsum Tsum Pencil Case. Just follow these simple steps!
Time: 1 hour
What You’ll Need
• 2 sheets of black felt
• 6″ black zipper
• Fabric glue
• Pen
• Scissors
• Small plate
• Additional felt in black, ivory, white
How To Make It
1. Use a small plate to trace 2 circles onto black felt sheets.
2. Cut out circles.
3. In the center of one of the felt circles, measure two lines that are 1/2 of an inch apart. This will be the opening for your zipper.
4. Cut out the 1/2 inch piece of felt between the lines.
5. Place zipper in the center of the opening. Apply fabric glue to the side of the zipper and glue down the 1st side. Repeat process on the other side.
6. Once the glue is set, cut off any excess zipper material.
7. Take the other circle and apply fabric glue along the outer edges and glue the felt circles together.
8. Cut out Mickey’s face out of ivory felt. His ears, eyes, and nose out of black felt. And hands out of white felt. Attach with fabric glue.
Allow to set completely before using.
Source: family.disney.com

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