The people of "Hud" were living in "Al-Ahqaaf" which means "the Dunes", and the historians said that it is located betweenYemen and Oman. They also said that Ᾱd’s people worshipped three idols; namely, "sadaa", "somoud", "habaa". This is according to what’s mentioned in the history of Tabari.
"Ᾱd"‘s people were having groves, livestocks, and springs. They built an enormous city called “Iram”, which had tremendous palaces and huge pillars.
"Hud" called on his people to worship only Allah and give up worshipping idols because this is the way to avoid Allah’s torment in the doomsday. But they despised him and described him as being foolish, reckless and a liar. "Hud" dismissed these false accusations asserting that he was a messenger sent by God and that he wants nothing but advising them.
"Hud" kept addressing his people in an attempt to convince them to return to the right path reminding them of Allah’s blessings to them. Hud’s people didn’t thank Allah for His blessings, but rather they indulged in pleasures and turned haughty. When they disobeyed their messenger, Allah punished them by sending a stormy wind that was loaded with sands and dust, and it covered them completely and destroyed them.
Qur'an often used the Ād as an example of the fate of those who defy God.
Verses on ĀD
1. ĀD and Hud1-1. A'raf, 7:65-72
:" And unto (the tribe of) ĀD (We sent) their brother, Hud. He said: O my people! Serve Allah. Ye have no other Allah save Him. Will ye not ward off (evil)? The chieftains of his people, who were disbelieving, said: Lo! we surely see thee in foolishness, and lo! we deem thee of the liars. He said: O my people! There is no foolishness in me, but I am a messenger from the Lord of the Worlds. I convey unto you the messages of my Lord and am for you a true adviser. Marvel ye that there should come unto you a Reminder from your Lord by means of a man among you, that he may warn you? Remember how He made you viceroys after Noah's folk, and gave you growth of stature. Remember (all) the bounties of your Lord, that haply ye may be successful. They said: Hast come unto us that we should serve Allah alone, and forsake what our fathers worshipped? Then bring upon us that wherewith thou threatenest us if thou art of the truthful! He said: Terror and wrath from your Lord have already fallen on you. Would ye wrangle with me over names which ye have named, ye and your fathers, for which no warrant from Allah hath been revealed? Then await (the consequence), lo! I (also) am of those awaiting (it). And We saved him and those with him by a mercy from Us, and We cut the root of those who denied Our revelations and were not believers."
1-2. Hud, 11:50-60:And unto (the tribe of) ĀD (We sent) their brother, Hud. He said: O my people! Serve Allah! Ye have no other Allah save Him. Lo! ye do but invent. O my people! I ask of you no reward for it. Lo! my reward is the concern only of Him Who made me. Have ye then no sense? And, O my people! Ask forgiveness of your Lord, then turn unto Him repentant; He will cause the sky to rain abundance on you and will add unto you strength to your strength. Turn not away, guilty! They said: O Hud! Thou hast brought us no clear proof and we are not going to forsake our gods on thy (mere) saying, and we are not believers in thee. We say naught save that one of our gods hath possessed thee in an evil way. He said: I call Allah to witness, and do ye (too) bear witness, that I am innocent of (all) that ye ascribe as partners (to Allah), beside Him. So (try to) circumvent me, all of you, give me no respite. Lo! I have put my trust in Allah, my Lord and your Lord. Not an animal but He doth grasp it by the forelock! Lo! my Lord is on a straight path. And if ye turn away, still I have conveyed unto you that wherewith I was sent unto you, and my Lord will set in place of you a folk other than you. Ye cannot injure Him at all. Lo! my Lord is Guardian over all things. And when Our commandment came to pass We saved Hud and those who believed with him by a mercy from Us; We saved them from a harsh doom. And such were ĀD. They denied the revelations of their Lord and flouted His messengers and followed the command of every froward potentate. And a curse was made to follow them in the world and on the Day of Resurrection. Lo! ĀD disbelieved in their Lord. A far removal for ĀD, the folk of Hud!
1-3. Shu'ara', 26:123-140:(The tribe of) ĀD denied the messengers (of Allah). When their brother Hud said unto them: Will ye not ward off (evil)? When their brother Hud said to them: Will you not guard (against evil)? Lo! I am a faithful messenger unto you, So keep your duty to Allah and obey me. And I ask of you no wage therefore; my wage is the concern only of the Lord of the Worlds. Build ye on every high place a monument for vain delight? And seek ye out strongholds, that haply ye may last for ever? And if ye seize by force, seize ye as tyrants? Rather keep your duty to Allah, and obey me. Keep your duty toward Him Who hath aided you with (the good things) that ye know, Hath aided you with cattle and sons, and gardens and watersprings. Lo! I fear for you the retribution of an awful day. They said: It is all one to us whether thou preachest or art not of those who preach; this is but a fable of the men of old, and we shall not be doomed. And they denied him; therefore We destroyed them. Lo! herein is indeed a portent, yet most of them are not believers. And lo! Thy Lord, He is indeed the Mighty, the Merciful.
1-4. Ahqaf, 46:21:And make mention (O Muhammad) of the brother of ĀD when he warned his folk among the wind-curved sandhills - and verily warners came and went before and after him - saying: Serve none but Allah. Lo! I fear for you the doom of a tremendous Day.
2-Sins of ĀD:
2-1.Boasting:Ha Min Sajdah, 41:15-16:As for ĀD, they were arrogant in the land without right, and they said: Who is mightier than us in power? Could they not see that Allah Who created them, He was mightier than them in power? And they denied Our revelations. Therefore We let loose on them a raging wind in evil days, that We might make them taste the torment of disgrace in the life of the world. And verily the doom of the Hereafter will be more shameful, and they will not be helped.
2-2. chieftains of ~ disbelievers:
'Araf, 7:66:Those who were scornful said: Lo! in that which ye believe we are disbelievers.
2-3. Denied God's revelations, flouted His messengers and followed command of their froward potentate
(rejected signs, disobeyed apostles, followed transgressors)
:Hud, 11:59:
And such were ĀD. They denied the revelations of their Lord and flouted His messengers and followed the command of every froward potentate.
2-4. Denied God's messengers (treated prophets' missions as false, rejects apostles)
:2-4-1. Hajj, 22:42:If they deny thee (Muhammad), even so the folk of Noah, and (the tribes of) ĀD and Thamud, before thee, denied (Our messengers):
2-4-2. Shu'ara', 26:123:
(The tribe of) Ᾱd denied the messengers (of Allah).
2-5. Disbelieved in judgment to come:
Haqqah, 69:4:(The tribes of) Thamud and ĀD disbelieved in the judgment to come.
2-6. Rejected warnings:Qamar, 54:18:
(The tribe of) ĀD rejected warnings. Then how (dreadful) was My punishment after My warnings.
2-7. Said that Hud came with no clear proof (YA: sign):
Hud,11:53:They said: O Hud! Thou hast brought us no clear proof and we are not going to forsake our gods on thy (mere) saying, and we are not believers in thee.
3- Judgment on ĀD:
3-1. Curse follows them in this world till Day of Resurrection:
Hud, 11:60:And a curse was made to follow them in the world and on the Day of Resurrection. Lo! ĀD disbelieved in their Lord. A far removal for ĀD, the folk of Hud!
3-2. Destroyed by a fierce roaring wind:
3-2-1. Haqqah, 69:6 :
And as for ĀD, they were destroyed by a fierce roaring wind,
3-2-2. Qamar, 54:18-21:(The tribe of) ĀD rejected warnings. Then how (dreadful) was My punishment after My warnings. Lo! We let loose on them a raging wind on a day of constant calamity,
Sweeping men away as though they were uprooted trunks of palm-trees. Then see how (dreadful) was My punishment after My warnings!
3-3.Sent fatal wind against:
Dhariyat, 51:41:And in (the tribe of) ĀD (there is a portent) when we sent the fatal wind against them.
3-4. Thunderbolt (stunning punishment) fell on:
Ha Mim Sajdah 41:13:But if they turn away, then say: I warn you of a thunderbolt like the thunderbolt (which fell of old upon the tribes) of ĀD and Thamud.
4. Messengers to them came with proofs:
Taubah, 9:70:Hath not the fame of those before them reached them - the folk of Noah, ĀD, Thamud, the folk of Abraham, the dwellers of Midian and the disasters (which befell them)? Their messengers (from Allah) came unto them with proofs (of Allah's Sovereignty). So Allah surely wronged them not, but they did wrong themselves.
5. Satan debarred them from the Way:
'Ankabut, 29:38:And (the tribes of) ĀD and Thamud! (Their fate) is manifest unto you from their (ruined and deserted) dwellings. Satan made their deeds seem fair unto them and so debarred them from the Way, though they were keen observers.
6. Saved by a mercy (Grace) from Us:
Hud, 11:58:And when Our commandment came to pass We saved Hud and those who believed with him by a mercy from Us; We saved them from a harsh doom.
7. The tribe of ĀD:
7-1. Taubah, 9:70:Hath not the fame of those before them reached them - the folk of Noah, ĀD, Thamud, the folk of Abraham, the dwellers of Midian and the disasters (which befell them)? Their messengers (from Allah) came unto them with proofs (of Allah's Sovereignty). So Allah surely wronged them not, but they did wrong themselves.
7-2. Ibrahim, 14:9:Hath not the history of those before you reached you: the folk of Noah, and (the tribes of) ĀD and Thamud, and those after them? None save Allah knoweth them. Their messengers came unto them with clear proofs, but they thrust their hands into their mouths, and said: Lo! we disbelieve in that wherewith ye have been sent, and lo! we are in grave doubt concerning that to which ye call us.
7-3. Furqan, 25:38:And (the tribes of) ĀD and Thamud, and the dwellers in Ar-Rass, and many generations in between.
7-4. Fajr, 89:6:
Dost thou not consider how thy Lord dealt with (the tribe of) ĀD,
7-5. Sad, 38:12:The folk of Noah before them denied (their messenger) and (so did the tribe of) ĀD, and Pharaoh firmly planted,
7-6. Qaf, 50:13:And (the tribe of) ĀD, and Pharaoh, and the brethren ofLot,
7-7. Najm, 53:50:And that He destroyed the former (tribe of) ĀD.