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  • 8/18/2011

Imam Ali’s scientific and sententious words (Part 1)

imam ali (a.s)

This article quotes some of Imam Ali’s scientific and sententious words to shed more light upon his personality. Imam Ali said:

1-Every one, who is in charge of the Muslim’s affairs, neglects his charge, God will neglect him.

2-The worst men of all are the treacherous businessmen.

3-Destitution is the greater death. Having few children is relief. Practicing moderate economy is half of the living. One, who controls his economy, will not face poverty.

4-Avoid gluttony for it causes diseases and illnesses.

5-Weakness and listlessness are the calamity of the nations. Being patient with sufferings and struggling against hardships are courage.

6-Purify yourselves of dirty passions to reach high ranks before God.

7-Keep equality among the all and do not add fuel to the fire of discord because the hearts are always ready to differ from each other.

8-Receive people willingly, deal with them cheerfully and trustfully and be humble before them.

9-The ignorant is known by six characteristics: being angry without having virtue, talking idle talk, generosity out of its suitable place, unable to distinguish the friend from the enemy, disclosing the secrets and trusting in every body.

10- Pay the worker his due wages before his sweat is dried.

11- The greatest sin is aggression and violation.

12- The highest virtue of man is to avoid persecuting people and to be kind to them.

13- The one who believes in resurrection won’t be greedy for the worldly wealth.

14- Everything can be changed except habits.

15- The one, who becomes idle, will miss his personal and social rights.

16- Religion does not agree with caprice. Caprice is foe prevailing over reason.

17- He was asked: ”What is good?”‌ He said: ”Good is not muchness of money and children but muchness of knowledge.”‌

18- Injustice of judges is the most disgraced act.

19- The highest compassion is to share the brothers in sorrow and in joy.

20- Where are the tyrants and the sons of the tyrants? (He meant that they had perished without taking anything from this world with them).

21- Wealth is the fountain of the sins.

22- Whoever warns you of fault is like one who gives you good tidings.

imam ali (a.s)
23- The one, who becomes a leader of the people, has to educate himself before educating the others. His educating must be by his doings before his sayings. The one, who educates and instructs himself, is more estimable than those, who teach and instruct the others.

24- No wealth is more profitable than wisdom.

25- No loneliness is sadder than haughtiness.

26- No intellect is better than tact.

27- No greatness is like abstinence. No courage is like avoiding sins.

28- No compassion is like good humor.

29- No inheritance is like politeness.

30- No guide is like God’s favor to grant prosperity.

31- No trade is like beneficence.

32- No profit is like divine reward.

33- No virtuousness is like reluctance to do doubtful things.

34- No knowledge is like meditation.

35- No worship is like performing religious decrees.

36- No belief is like modesty and fortitude.

37- No greatness is like humility.

38- No honor is like knowledge and no aid is like consulting with wise friends.

39- The value of every man is due to his goodness.

40- Take knowledge from every where as possible as you can.

41- Every material thing passes away and every expected thing is to come at last.

42-Wealth is the basis of every sin.

43- Being loose-tongued is like being a beast.

44- Death is near and the company of the friends is short.

46- Avoiding sins is easier than repenting afterward.

46- He, who looks for riches, denies every thing else and he, who acts according to his mind only, will be ruined. He, who consults the others, participates with them in their minds.

47- For me the thinking of an experienced (old) man is more admirable than of a dexterous young man.

imam ali (a.s)
48- I knew Allah by the changing of decisions, the breaking of wills and the resolving of problems by themselves. (There is a metaphysical power above us that controls our affairs).

49- Be careful not to waste the blessings of Allah because everything you waste, does not come back again.

50- It is a surprise to me how a miser hurries to poverty, from which he runs away and he misses the wealth, which he looks for. He lives like the poor in this world and he will be punished like the rich in the afterworld. I wonder about the selfish and haughty man, who was a sperm yesterday and will be a rotten carcass tomorrow (why he is so proud). I wonder at one, who doubt about the existence of God while he sees His creation. It is also surprising when one sees that people die before him but he forgets that he himself will die. I wonder at one, who denies the afterworld whereas he has seen the first world and I wonder at one, who is busy heaping wealth in this transient world but is ignorant of the everlasting world.

Source: A book named,Imam Ali (A.S) Sunshine of Civilized Islam

By Muhammad Hussein Tahmasebi

Other links:

Who Is Imam Ali (A.S)?

The Only Person Born in Holy Kaba

Imam Ali (A.S),First youth to accept Islam

Ali’s Attraction: Secrets and Causes (Part 1)

Ali’s Attraction: Secrets and Causes (Part 2)

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