• The Imam of Mankind
    • The Words of God are thought-provoking. The verse mentioned above refers to a remote period of history when Abraham (AS), already a God-sent Messenger to several nations, was granted a new distinction.
    • The Luminous Gem of the Kaba
    • Whose born is similar to Alis (AS), who was born in Kaba? Which birth, is like thirteenth of Rajab that has bestowed a pearl in the shell of existence upon the universe?
    • Devaluing oneself
    • He who adopts greed as a habit devalues himself; he who discloses his hardship agrees to humiliation; and he who allows...
    • Guest of the Holy Ka′ba, Fatima Bint Asad
    •   This great lady who has been of the brightest stars of Islamic history had lived a most powerful and eventful life. Her name was Fatima, the daughter of Asad, son of Hashem. Fatima had been gifted with some most ...
    • Imam Ali (AS): The Kaba of Belief
    • Certainly your Master (Wali) is Allah and His Prophet and those who believe, those who establish prayer and give charity while they bow (in prayer)...
    • University of Khartoum
    • toum Historical Background Established in 1902 as a high school under the name of Gordon Memorial College, it included Schools of Arts, Science, Medicine, Law, Agriculture and Veterinary Science (all offering Diplom...
    • Rights of Elders in Islam
    • am The Holy Prophet (SAW) says: “He isn’t of us who isn’t kind to our youngsters, and shows no respect to our elders...” To grow old is rightly said to pass from passion to compassion. In the words of a Western scholar,...
    • Art Museum
    • eum Islamic and Later Indian Art About the Museum:   Harvard's collection of Islamic and later Indian art is small but magnificent. It comprises a broad range of works, from Samanid pottery and Mamluk calligraphy to Qa...
    • Georgetown University, Arabic and Islamic Study
    • udy Welcome to the Department of Arabic & Islamic Studies! A Letter from our Department Chair It is my pleasure to provide you with more information on Georgetown’s Arabic and Islamic Studies program.  We wo...
    • Rajab an Important Spiritual Month
    • Rajab marks the beginning of the spiritual season of every believer ending with the end of the fasting month of Ramadan with the Eid Al Fitr. These three months are unmatched in their importance. Praise be to the ...
    • Al Baqir: The exponder of knowledge
    • Imam Muhammad al-Baqir was born at Medina on Tuesday, 3rd Safar, 57 A.H. His mother was the daughter of Imam Hasan. Thus Imam Muhammad al-Baqir combined in himself the families of Imam Hasan and Imam Husayn.....
    • The Month of Rajab
    • Rajab is the seventh month in the Islamic Lunar Calendar. The great month of Rajab is one of the four sacred months. This month and ...
    • College of Liberal Arts & Sciences     
    • CENTER FOR ARAB AND ISLAMIC STUDIES Villanova University established the Center for Arab and Islamic Studies in 1983 in recognition of the critical importance of the Middle East. Arab and Islamic civilization has had...
    • Archaeological Museum
    • eum WHAT IS ARCHAEOLOGY ? A hall with the board reading "What Is Archaeology" is the first place to welcome you in the museum. Here the visitor gets a general idea about the concepts of archeology as a science,...
    • The Tragedy of Western Women
    • men    In today's Westernized societies, where women are not protected by Islamic laws, we find that the woman suffers immense misery and untold hardship all in the name of "Freedom, Equality and Liberation&q...
    • Children's city museum
    • http://www.childrencity.ae/flash_e/e_index.asp Introduction The Dubai-based Children's City is the first educational city in the UAE devoted to children between two and fifteen years old where they can investigate, ex...
    • Islamic Study Center in Australia
    • lia http://arts.anu.edu.au/cais Centre for Arab & Islamic Studies (The Middle East &Central Asia) The Centre for Arab & Islamic Studies (Middle East & Central Asia) forms part of the ANU College of...
    • University of Kuwait
    • ait http://www.kuniv.edu.kw/?q=&Lang=en University of Kuwait offers a profound learning experience, symbolizing the students hope for tomorrow. Its programs are diverse and competitive, challenging minds, ind...
    • How does the Quran present God?
    • When we wish to assess the scientific personality and knowledge of a scholar we examine his works and subject them to close study. Similarly in order to measure the talent creativity and ability of an artist.....
    • Rights of Neighborhood
    • od Cooperation and Mutual sympathy Islam has used all means for enjoining Muslims to cooperate and sympathize with each other so that they will be an ideal nation able of achieving its aims and defending its individuals a...
    • Ziyarat to Hazrat Fatima Zahra (A.S.)
    • It is reported that Lady Fatima (A) said: "My father said to me: `He who prays on your behalf, Allah, Exalted and Glorified is He, shall forgive him and make him join me wherever I may be in Paradise." For ...
    • Salutations to Hazrat Fatima (a.s)
    • Peace be upon you, Oh daughter of the Messenger of Allah! Peace be upon you, Oh daughter of the possessor of outstanding merit above all Prophets and messengers and angels ! Peace be upon you, Oh Leader of the Wome...
    • Lady Fatima Zahra (A.S.) on The Last Day
    • On the Day when the oppressed shall bite their hands (in fear); when the oppressors shall be gathered in humiliation and lowliness, remembering their disgraceful and shameful deeds: Then every one of them shall revie...
    • Where is her grave?
    • The Muslims have been deeply pained. Their beloved prophet has passed away. And especially for his kith and kin, it is one of their lives' saddest day. A lady who happens to be his daughter, Above all, is.....
    • Sunway University College
    • ege http://www.sunway.edu.my/ Sunway University College (formerly Sunway College) was formed with the belief and understanding that higher education is vital to the progress of the Nation. The institution receive...
    • Man and Islam
    • A Speech by Dr. Ali Shariati Ladies and Gentlemen: Tonight, as long as time permits, I would like to investigate the following questions: I. Does Islam recognize man as a helpless creature whose ultimate goal and i...
    • Imam Khomeinis Stance Regarding the People
    •  Many political thinkers and analysts of contemporary movement and revolutions in the world are in agreement about the three bases or axis that are the symbols of victory and perpetuation of revolutions, namely p...
    • Hazrat Zaynab’s shrine
    • Hazrat Zainab’s shrine the daughter of Imam Ali (pbuh) and Hazrat Fatimah Zahra (pbuh), and the granddaughter of Prophet of Islam Hazrat Muhammad has located in ...
    • Salahaddin University
    • ity http://www.usalah.org/ SalahaddinUniversity is one of the oldest and largest institutions of higher learning in the Kurdistan region. It was established in 1968 in Sulemaniya city as the University of Sulemaniya...
    • Woman Half-the-Man?
    • an? Crisis of Male Epistemology in Islamic Jurisprudence Dr. Abdulaziz Sachedina University of Virginia Introduction Islamic sacred law, the Shari'a, has been regarded by Muslims as a perfect, divinely ordained rel...
    • Queen ARWA University
    • ity http://www.arwauniversity.edu.ye/english/index.htm History Queen ARWA University was established in January, 1996. It gained recognition by the Ministry of Education and the Council of Higher Education Resoluti...
    • Minoufiya University
    • ity http://www.menofia.edu.eg/en/index.asp History: Minoufiya University was founded in 1976. It started with four faculties with nearly 9500 students, 214 staff members and 372 assisting members. It has steadil...
    • Imam Jafar Sadiq′s Contribution To The Sciences
    • Imam Sadiq (pbuh) lived at a time when there was a deep and active interaction between Islamic thought and knowledge and the peoples of other nations. During that era, numerous works from different scholars and thinke...
    • Prophet - The Model Of Goodness
    • ess The behavior and personality of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) are the best examples to follow in life. A companion of his, who spent full ten years with him, has said: "Throughout my stay with him I never heard an i...
    • The prophet of Mercy is Born
    • orn One day, while traveling north, one of the Arab tribes from Mecca met a Hermit in the desert. Some of the men stopped to speak with him. Hermits were known to be wise and the Arabs often asked their advice. The Herm...