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  • Date :
  • 8/8/2009

One-third of Europeans have never been online

using internet

A new study shows that one-third of Europeans have never used the internet and more than one in every four European has never used a computer.

According to a report released by the European Union, more than one in every three individuals keen on avoiding the digital world said they did not see the need for a connection and nearly one quarter said they could not afford it.

The study also showed that people older than 65 and the unemployed were the least active online.

This is while the report says that 56% of Europeans had become regular internet users in 2008 and over 80% of them are now using high-speed internet connections.

According to Reuters, EU Commissioner for Information Society and Media Viviane Reding said Internet download rules should be changed so that people can have easier access to music and films.

‘To release the economic potential of these digital natives, we must make access to digital content an easy and fair game,’ she said in a statement.

 Source: presstv.ir

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