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  • 9/6/2008

The 17th of Shahrivar, 1357; "Black Friday"

17 shahrivar

17 Shahrivar 1357 (8 September, 1978), the vast demonstration in Tehran and other provinces against Pahlavi Regime, 17th Shahrivar Rising and massacre of defenseless people in Shohada (Jaleh) Square.

The 17th of Shahrivar, 1357 (819/1978), later termed the "Black Friday", is one of the most eventful days of the Islamic Revolution of the Iranian people.

 In pursuit of the splendid and grand demonstrations that were held in Tehran on Shahrivar 13 (419/78) after the prayer of Eid-Al-Fitr, similar demonstrations were held on the 16th of Shahrivar (September 7th), also in Tehran and arrangements were made for other demonstrations for the next day (Friday) to be held in the Jaleh Square. Early on Friday people streamed into the Jaleh Square so that by six o’clock a.m.

Jaleh Square was surrounded by Shah’s military units on all sides with machine-gun barrels aimed at the people from every side. At this hour, the Radio unexpectedly announced that military government is declared for Tehran and ten other cities. Immediately after the announcements machinegun volleys strafed the crowd. On this occasion more than 4000 innocent people were killed and several hundred were wounded. The Shah’s Regime placed the figures at 58 killed and 25 wounded.


Late Imam Khomeini’s message on the occasion of Tehran and other cities’ massacre (17th Shahrivar 1357):


"In the name of God, the compassionate, the Merciful"

The noble and brave Iranian people! Once more by ordering martial law in the main cities, Shah has proved his unpopularity. According to the Iranian radio and the press reports, to impose martial law as a result of the peaceful demonstrations is not only illegal but also a crime and the one, who ordered it, is a culprit…

Certainly you will gain the victory. Shah with his national reconciliatory government plotted to share the noble clergymen and political figures in the massacre but it was soon given away. The world should know what the political freedom is in Iran and this is the Shah’s democratic regime and this is his logic and government in acting on the Islamic religion.

You! The dear Iranian nation determine to dethrone Shah’s regime,… Peace be upon you and God confer His mercy and blessing on you, Roohollah AL-Moosavi AL-Khomeini."

other links:

Special Features on Khordad 15 Uprising

Photo Gallery: The Way Imam Khomeini was

Avini, master of martyred writers

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