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  • Date :
  • 5/5/2008

Fadlallah says Lebanon is in a dark place

Ayatollah Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah
 Ayatollah Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah

Lebanon spiritual leader Ayatollah Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah, alerted that the country is on the verge of a social and political collapse.


"The political status quo heralds a serious danger, when some ministers are immersed in their personal business and regard their ministry as a source of income. Some outsiders also dispense money and treat the people as a means of bargaining," Presstv quoted Fadlallah as saying.


The senior cleric pointed to the problems of Lebanon and said that the incumbent government acts like a merchant running a company.


"This manner of handling issues will lead to a situation where authorities seek their own benefit, rather than feeling responsible and making efforts to run state affairs," he said.


The high-ranking cleric has depicted a dark picture of Lebanon's future, saying that the country is "moving in a haze, with no glow of light shimmering down the road."


He said that the budget deficit and escalation of political tensions overshadow the future of the country.

Fadlallah called on the government to support the domestic production market rather than sacrificing public interests for the sake of private interests.


He said both the governing and opposition parties should take swift action to end the social and economic crisis.

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Source: www.presstv.it

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