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  • Date :
  • 10/24/2007


Mahmoud Ahmadinejad


Tuesday, 23 October 2007

The Islamic Republic of Iran's president, Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, ended his 2-day visit to Armenia on October on 23rd. In this visit he met President Robert Kocharian, made a speech at Yerevan University and met with Iranians living in Armenia.

Four MOUs on cooperation were also signed, and a joint communiqué was issued, reiterating the need for regional stability and security and preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons, while supporting all countries' rights including Iran to use peaceful nuclear energy. The two presidents also stressed their will to boost bilateral ties and engage in economic cooperation especially in the energy and dam construction sectors.

Tehran-Yerevan ties are friendly and extending due to their historical interests and links and their geographic location. Iranian officials have strived to provide Armenia's needs in the energy, goods transit and electricity sectors and played a mediatory role in solving that country's differences with the Azerbaijan republic, with the aim of turning enmity into fraternity.

Since Iran shares cultural, language and historical commonalities with both Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan, its responsibility toward the two countries is important. That is why Iran's agreements with these countries are in line with providing their needs, especially in the oil and gas, electricity, and communications routes sectors. This trip also in addition to providing the interests of Iran and Armenia is expected to have positive consequences for broadening regional cooperation.

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