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  • 10/29/2005

Imam Khomeini International University



The act of establishment of Iran Islamic international university was ratified in the session of Islamic consultative assembly on 9/Jan/1984 and was approved by guardian's council on 19/Jan/1984. In fact, origin and establishment of a institute with an aim stipulated in act approved in 1984 and articles of association ratified by the supreme council of cultural revolution (21/7/1998) should be searched in sight and deliberation of the great leader and founder of Iran Islamic republic, Imam Khomeini. In 1992, Dehkhoda high education complex in Qazvin was incorporated in this university.

 The aforesaid complex had two plots of land in area of 24 and 76 (hectares) in southern margin of the city that in the first , The project of convenience and education aid places and in the second , projects of faculties , saloon of meetings , library and mosque were considered . Implementation of these projects was continued after the incorporation with a little change in specification. Now, university is consisted of many dormitories and organizational house one sport saloon and many stores in a plot of land in area of 24 (hectare). In addition, Persian Language Center and the supervision of foreign students are in an old building belonging to Dehkhoda complex in the mentioned area.

The aim of establishment of the university

This university is established in order to introduce the Islamic knowledge, culture and civilization which are the greatest supporter of science in the world and to revive its publicity and educational institute under the supervision of ministry of technology, researches and sciences with the following aims:

1.    Development and achievement of Islamic culture in Islam world.

2.    Propaganda of Islamic knowledge and culture in international levels.

3.    Introducing   the Islam world characters for the sounding of Islamic culture.

4.    Utiliziation of knowledge and technologies for the achievment of Islamic culture.

5.    Training of undertaken experts and specialties for cultural and scientific self- dependence of Islamic country.

6.    Helping for development of high education ofIran.

One of the important aspects of university management is the development on the basis of plans based on the aims and strategies and duties defined for university in center of articles of association.

The present status of the university

The university runs now 28 courses of study at undergraduate level, 12 at graduate level and possesses more than 166 faculty members. Number of students at undergraduate level is 2743 and at graduate level 267; and year after year a number of foreign students ranging from 280 to 300 is admitted into Persian Language Center (PLC).

According to the university four year implementation plan a total of 5 new undergraduate courses of study and 17 graduate courses of study and five (5) of them at PhD level would be added to other university courses of study in the near future.

There are already 500 expatriate resident students from about 55 countries of the world in 22 courses of study at different undergraduate and graduate in this universities and there are also in nation – wide nearly or about 1500 expatriates studying at different levels and in more than one course of study in Tehran, Isfahan, Shiraz, Mashad, Tabriz, Qom , Ahwas and Rasht and out of this number about 1100 students are involved in studying in different courses of study in the areas of humanities, technical and engineering and about 400 of them in courses of medical science group.


Faculty of engineering

Faculty of literature

Faculty of science

Faculty of Architecture and urban Development

Faculty of engineering

This faculty was established in 11993 with an aim to train and bring up professionals and skillful HRs (human resources) with in technological and engineering area. It started as four mining engineering, civil engineering (irrigation), and substances & ceramics engineering. At present the faculty has more than 574 students and 40 faculty members. In a very near future, it is expected that, mine (prospecting) and computer (hardware) courses at undergraduate level and road & transportation, substances, irrigation and mine (prospecting) programs at graduate course level should be established.

At present, the deputy for Education and Research is active and departments interact with this deputy regarding training and research problems and reports directly to faculty chancellor concerning financial and administrative issues. Other administrative units of faculty are Training department, finance and a accountants, secretariat and faculty principal office.


 Trainig Group






Civil- Transportation


agricalture - irrigation


mine - prospecting


substances - ceramics


substances - industrial metallurgy


Electrical- control


mechanics - solids designs




Biotechnology - agriculture.


Faculty of literature

As far as university mission and goals are concerned, faculty of literature & humanities enjoys special place there. This faculty presided over and managed at present byDr. Seyyed Ismail Ghafelehbashi is considered as the greatest faculty in the university and has allowed for more than half of the available student strengths. At present thirteen training groups are already engaged in training and doing researches.

In the near future, there will be new disciplines of on graduate course and PhD course there, the main programs of which at graduate course level are: political science (international relations), philosophy, Islamic theology, Arab literature, international law, penal law, Persian language and literature goes into PhD level.


 Training Group



 History teaching



 industrial management



 political science






 Arab literature



 public psychology






 Persian literature



 theology teaching master



 physical education



 religious jurisprudence - theology and law foundations



 theology for Islamic history of civilization



 theology for philosophy and Islam's philosophy



 industrial management



 private law






 Persian literature









 Faculty of science

This university was established in 1995 with four training groups of mathematics, physics, chemistry and statistics. At present, it has over 437 students with faculty members of 35.

Applied physics group is now receiving students in both undergraduate and graduate courses levels for two solid state and atomic & molecular physics. This group has appropriate training facilities and training aids such as electronic labs, modern physics, heat (thermos), mechanics and optics.


This faculty is made up of five independent groups with the following details:


The aim behind this course of study establishment is to train professional practitioners as qualified as possible to lend their assistance for proper planning at nationwide level because such trained people can always conduct proper analysis on scientific problems at the economic and industrial organizations.


Graduates of solid state and nuclear applied discipline can begin working in national industry, defense industry, power, post, telegraph and telephone ministries, radio and television organizations, nuclear energy and scientific & research institutes.


The aim behind this course of study is to train experts and practitioners for teaching chemistry at high school level, training assistant researcher, preparing students to be qualified to enter M.S.. and PhD courses for purpose of providing. Required teaching and R&D staff for universities and research institutes and training required experts for chemical experts so that the country would be relieved of expatriate personnel and run properly off home affairs.


This training course has two objectives.

Train statistics experts as desired by offices, organizations and industries.

Train statistics experts to continue studying at both graduate course level and that of PhD course.

Centers such as ministry of education, management and planning organization in Iranian statistics center, banks and other private and public centers and industry are main institution to take in the trainees of these trainees.

Applied Geology

The ever – increasing acceleration of geological development at the turn of third. Millennium and specifically man’s encountering with many issues such as single product economics, shortage at Iron, energy crisis and environment pollution have turned attentions towards the application of geology to solve many problems.

The objective behind this course of study that has been established inIran for the first time is to raise or train experts to properly analyze the geological problems of today’s world and produce good strategies to solve them.

Faculty of Architecture and urban Development

This faculty or college is one of the four functional and operative faculties inImamKhomeini International University that was established by conclusive permission issued and decreed by higher education development council on 6/2/82, Hegira and commenced to work.

At present in this university presided over byDr. Yousef Gorgi Mahlabany 300 students are studying at two disciplines, architecture and Urban Planning at different undergraduate and graduate programs levels either continuous or incontinuous, and 20 students at undergraduate course level at reclamation of historical monuments. These students are academically supported and mentored by a group of full time faculty members with experienced just instructors. Ten faculty members holds phD degree certificates and five M.S. degree certificates three of whom are now studying at PhD level in different domestic universities aided by university scholarship.

Following superior aims on university that is focused on establishing specialized courses of study at M.S. and PhD degrees level and developing specialized or mayor universities, operating incontinuous M.S. degree level discipline on architectural engineering in first semester 82-83 and combining it with architectural and Urban Planning M.S. degree courses, necessary background has been provided to establish an architectural and Urban Planning to promote the status of Imam Khomeini International University.


This university is constituted of three independent groups of training with following details:


Out of all art branches and disciplines of education it is the architectural course of study that effectively contributes to the system acquirement, identification, promotion of human ecology. It deals with not only the planning, ordering and regulating ecological space on units scales but also designing the complexes, urban spaces, constituents of space and the effective factors of developing it. Considering the quality of this course of study that includes a broad spectrum of a system granting activity and designing of ecological space and considering the need felt for expanding of manufacturing areas and granting quality to living conditions on micro and macro scales, student at undergraduate, graduate and PhD degree levels can play an effectively determining role to realize what was said above required by Islamic revolution cultural and ideological dimensions.

This course of study commenced as a continuous field at M.S.. level in 1990; but in 1999 the high council for programming proceeded to separate it into two incontinuous under graduate and graduate courses and all universities were made obliged to accept its graduate or M.S. course. Until now 189 students at graduate course level and 36 at undergraduate level graduated the university Urban Planning.

Urban Planning

This course of study has regained its place in educational system as a mid – term applied course of study at undergraduate, graduate and doctorate courses levels in the architecture, Urban Planning and art universities.

This science commutes into precision – science areas based on their subjects. The trainees in this discipline acquire necessary capabilities based on their findings to analytically recognize urban problems and offer recommendations at local, regional and national. The existence of more than two thousands cities and forty thousand villages in national space and their encounter with various problems and difficulties necessitates having this course of study.

Urban Planning course of study, in its present form and content, is a new and young science that is taught in architectural and Urban Planning universities. Both correlation and dependence of these subjects with architectural science are included in the university agenda. In 1999, what was taken into consideration by high council of cultural was the reestablishment of undergraduate course level for this field based on mathematic and not long after that it was developed in 2000 in all other universities Repair & maintenance and renovation of historical monuments.

Repair and Reviving Historical Monuments

In order to protect places with high values of cultural heritages in Islamic republic of Iran with more than one million of historical monuments, it is necessary to employ experts and specialized people to deal with the maintenance of these works by using advanced methods of studying.

Based on the proposed protocol ratified in 274th assembly of art group of science ministry high council planning on 8/12/1372, the graduates of this course of study would be considered architectural engineers who learn how to make today for future by utilizing past experiences. In order to study, protect, repair, renovate and reviving historical monuments, complexes, compounds, historical textures, knowledge of these monuments and extracting their values is very necessary. This course of study has commenced its activity in architecture and Urban Planning College by admitting students at undergraduate course level.

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