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  • 3243
  • Date :
  • 7/9/2003


The German Federal Government Commissioner for Dialogue with the Islamic World, Ambassador Mulack is visiting Indonesia from June 4 to 8. A press release from the German Embassy here Thursday said the position of Federal Government Commissioner for Dialogue with the Islamic World was created by the German Federal Government after September 11, 2001 in order to promote intercultural dialog and mutual understanding between the West and the Muslim world. In this framework, Germany has launched a number of new programs which are aimed at bringing people from different cultural and religious backgrounds together, the release said.

Taken From: http://www.antara.co.id/e_berita.asp?id=79093&th=2003

UAE: Campaign underway for mosque construction

Abu Dhabi

A campaign is underway here for collecting funds for the construction of new mosques. At the time when the UAE State was taking shape, there were only around 550 mosques in the country, but now there are not less than 4,000, with 379 of them in Abu Dhabi alone, where there were only 50 at the time of the formation of the UAE. The purpose of the present campaign is to reinforce the Message of the Mosque, and the campaign itself is under the theme “Building Houses of God: Faith and Civilization,” and would include the care and maintenance of mosques.

Taken From: http://www.islamicnews.org/english/en_daily.html

Indonesian delegation tours IQRA

The Indonesian delegation from the Islamic boarding school, Salafiyah Syafiiyah continued their five-day tour of Brunei Darussalam with a visit to the Islamic Quran Readers Association (IQRA) in Kampong Manggis yesterday morning. The delegation was led by Kyai Haji Raden Achmad Fawaid As'ad. Upon arrival, the delegation was welcomed by the President of IQRA, Haji Mashud bin Haji Awg Damit and management staff from the IQRA Primary School and Al-Quran Readers School.They were briefed by Haji Mashud on the history and the latest development of the school.Haji Mahsud explained that IQRA was officially established in December 30, 1979.

He added that the IQRA building was first used in 1986 for Al-Quran and Muqaddam classes.Previously, a government school building had been used to conduct the classes where approximately 1,000 students attended.Now the IQRA Al-Quran Readers School has a total of 1,014 students and 23 teachers.

Taken From:http://www.brudirect.com/DailyInfo/News/Archive/June03/060603/bb05.htm

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