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  • 1222
  • Date :
  • 7/9/2003

World Environment Day 2003

World Environment Day, commemorated each year on 5 June, is about you and me. It is one of the principal vehicles through which the United Nations stimulates worldwide awareness of the environment and enhances political attention and action.
World Environment Day was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972 to mark the opening of the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment. Another resolution, adopted by the General Assembly the same day, led to the creation of UNEP.
World Environment Day is also a multi-media event, which inspires thousands of journalists to write and report enthusiastically and critically on the environment. It is a visual event with television documentaries, photo exhibits and displays, as well as an intellectual event for those who organize and participate in seminars, roundtable meetings and symposia. In many countries, this observance provides an opportunity to sign or ratify international conventions and sometimes leads to the establishment of permanent government structures dealing with environmental management and economic planning.
World Environment Day is a people's event with colourful activities such as street rallies, bicycle parades, green concerts, essays and poster competitions in schools, tree planting, as well as recycling and clean-up campaigns.

World Environment Day Themes:

2001 - Connect with the World Wide Web of Life
2000 - The Environment Millennium - Time to Act
1999 - Our Earth - Our Future - Just Save It!
1998 - For Life on Earth - Save Our Seas
1997 - For Life on Earth
1996 - Our Earth, Our Habitat, Our Home
1995 - We the Peoples: United for the Global Environment
1994 - One Earth One Family
1993 - Poverty and the Environment - Breaking the Vicious Circle
1992 - Only One Earth, Care and Share
1991 - Climate Change. Need for Global Partnership
1990 - Children and the Environment
1989 - Global Warming; Global Warning
1988 - When People Put the Environment First, Development Will Last
1987 - Environment and Shelter: More Than A Roof
1986 - A Tree for Peace
1985 - Youth: Population and the Environment
1984 - Desertification
1983 - Managing and Disposing Hazardous Waste: Acid Rain and Energy
1982 - Ten Years After Stockholm (Renewal of Environmental Concerns)
1981 - Ground Water; Toxic Chemicals in Human Food Chains
1980 - A New Challenge for the New Decade: Development Without Destruction
1979 - Only One Future for Our Children - Development Without Destruction
1978 - Development Without Destruction
1977 - Ozone Layer Environmental Concern; Lands Loss and Soil Degradation;
1976 - Water: Vital Resource for Life
1975 - Human Settlements
1974 - Only one Earth

#ac6c3e">The theme for the year 2003 is:
"Water - Two Billion People are Dying for It!"

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