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  • 7/27/2012

Tehran says deputy-level negotiations with P5+1 positive

secretary of iran’s supreme national security council saeed jalili (2nd r) and his deputy ali baqeri (2nd l) attend iran-p5+1 talks in moscow in june 2012.

The deputy secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) has hailed the talks with European Union’s foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton’s deputy in the Turkish city of Istanbul.

Ali Baqeri called his negotiations with Helga Schmid held on Tuesday positive and “in line with the agreements and negotiations in Moscow.”‌

He was referring to talks between Iran and the P5+1 -- Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States plus Germany -- in the Russian capital in June.

“In the Moscow talks, it was agreed that an expert-level meeting be held. The meeting was held on July 3, which was a positive and good meeting and both sides confirmed this,”‌ the official said.

Tuesday’s deputy-level negotiations were scheduled to follow the expert-level meeting to pave the way for future talks between Ashton and SNSC Secretary Saeed Jalili, Baqeri added.

“During yesterday’s negotiations with Schmid, we managed to move forward with the talks within good frameworks and reach agreements on continuing the work and future talks,”‌ he stated.

Iran and the P5+1 have already held three rounds of comprehensive negotiations in Istanbul, Baghdad, and Moscow.

Tehran and the P5+1 group held two previous rounds of talks, one in Geneva in December 2010 and another in Istanbul in January 2011.

The US and its European allies want Tehran to stop its nuclear energy program.

But Iran says as a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency and a signatory to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, is entitled to peaceful nuclear energy and technology.

Source: presstv.com

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