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  • Date :
  • 6/24/2012

Attack on Iran spells Tel Aviv's end: Iran commander

deputy chief of staff of irans armed forces brigadier general mostafa izadi

The deputy Chief of Staff of Iran's Armed Forces has warned Israel against any possible military move against Iran, saying it will cause the end of the Tel Aviv regime.

“If the Zionist regime [of Israel] tries to take any action against us, it will mark the end of its existence and there is no doubt that they are unable to harm the [Islamic] Revolution and the establishment in any way,”‌ Brigadier General Mostafa Izadi said on Saturday.

He pointed to Iran's high naval as well as missile capabilities and said, in addition to military power, the Islamic Republic enjoyed other high capabilities that were not comparable to those of the Israeli regime.

Izadi referred to Iran's geostrategic location in the region as a privilege and said, ”‌The existence of numerous [Iranian] islands in the Persian Gulf has provided us with great capabilities, making the Islamic Republic the superior defense power in the region.”‌

Meanwhile, Deputy Commander of Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Navy Ali-Reza Tangsiri also said that Iran was fully ready to repel any threat.

“Taking into consideration all aspects of the enemy’s military might, if we say we have the power and skill to counter major threats it is not a mere claim it is a reality based on reality,”‌ he said, adding that Iran was not afraid of any military threat.

Israel has repeatedly threatened Iran with a military option in a bid to force the Islamic Republic to halt its peaceful nuclear energy program, which Tel Aviv claims has a military aspect and considers it as a threat to its existence.

Iran rejects the allegations of pursuing military objectives in its nuclear energy program, arguing that as a committed signatory to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency, it has the right to use nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.

Source: presstv.com

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