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Peshawar Nights: Tormenting Ali is tormenting the Holy Prophet

Eighth Session-part 7


*Hadid's surprise at Abu Bakr's abusing Ali and Fatima

*Tormenting Ali is tormenting the Holy Prophet

*Hadith "I am the city of knowledge and Ali is it gate"

*Hadith about the vicegerency

*"Allah selected Ali from among all men to be my vicegerent"

*Ahle Bait endowed with seven matchless qualities



We aren't the only ones who are shocked at such behavior. Even your own fair ulema are amazed to learn it. Ibn Abi'l-Hadid writes in his Sharh-e-Nahju'l- Balagha, Vol.IV, p. 80, that the utterances of the Caliph filled him with astonishment. He asked his teacher Abu Yahya Naqib Ja'far Bin Yahya Bin Abi Zaidu'l-Basari to whom the caliph's words referred. He said that the statements were not indirect. The reference was explicit. Ibn Hadid said: "If they had been explicit, I would not have put the question." Upon this he laughed and said: "These things were said against Ali." Ibn Hadid repeated the words in astonishment: "Were all those words said against Ali?" His teacher said: "Yes, O son! This is what rulership means."

Resorting to abusive language is the tactic of one who has no convincing reply. All this was done to Ali about whom, as reported by all your leading ulema in their reliable books, the Holy Prophet said: "Ali is with the truth and the truth is with Ali."



In reference to both Ali and Fatima, the Holy Prophet said that their trouble was his own trouble. The Holy Prophet said: "He who troubles these two troubles me, and the one who troubles me troubles Allah." It is also written in all your authentic books that the Holy Prophet said, "He who reviles Ali reviles me, who reviles me reviles Allah."

Muhammad Bin Yusuf Ganji Shafi'i, in his Kifayatu't-Talib, ch. 10, narrates a detailed hadith on the authority of Ibn Abbas, who told a section of the Syrians, who were cursing Ali that he had heard the Holy Prophet saying about Ali: "He who abuses you abuses me, and he who abuses me abuses Allah, and he who abuses Allah will be thrown straight into Hell."

After this hadith he quotes many other hadith from authentic sources all of which prove that those who abuse Ali are infidels. Chapter 10 of his book is entitled: "Concerning the Infidelity of One who Abuses Ali"

Also Hakim in his Mustadrak, vol. III, p. 121, has quoted this same hadith. So according to all these hadith, those who curse Ali, curse Allah and his Prophet. All of them (like Mu'awiya, the Bani Umayya, the Nasibi's, the Kharijis) are themselves cursed. Now this much is sufficient. The Day of Judgement will surely come. Since our oppressed ancestor assumed silence and left the decision to that Day, we shall also remain silent.

There is a second point which disproves the supposed hadith: "We leave no inheritance..." The Holy Prophet said: "I am the city of knowledge and Ali is its gate; and I am the house of wisdom and Ali is its door." Both sects accepted this. Certainly, one who was the gate of the Holy Prophet's knowledge understood all hadith and instructions of the Holy Prophet, particularly those concerned with the problems of inheritance. On them depends the welfare of the whole nation. The Holy Prophet also said: "One who wishes to acquire knowledge should come to Ali's door." If his knowledge had been incomplete, the Holy Prophet would not have said that Ali was the best judge in the whole community. He said: "Ali is the best of all among you in interpreting the laws." This hadith is recorded in all your authentic books.

Would the Holy Prophet proclaim the superiority of a man's mastery of the laws, if that man did not understand the problems of inheritance and the rights of the people? Part of the purpose of the Holy Prophet was to secure social reform for the people in this world and peace and comfort for them in the hereafter. How could he make Ali the Commander of the Faithful and yet not convey to him a tradition such as this which affects the entire social order?

Sheikh: Neither of these two things is proved according to us. The hadith of Medina is not accepted by our distinguished ulema and the problem of vicegerency and succession has also been rejected by the reputable ulema. Bukhari and Muslim in their collections of hadith and others of our prominent ulema, report on the authority of Ummu'l-Mu'minin A'yesha that the head of the Holy Prophet at the time of his death rested against her chest until he passed away. She stated that he did not make a Will. Had he made a Will, Ummu'l-Mu'minin would have narrated it, and the question of the Will would have been settled.



Well-Wisher: Regarding the hadith you have been very unfair. I have already told you that both sects have unanimously accepted it and that it has been reported with almost perfect continuity. The following of your notable ulema have confirmed the authenticity of this hadith: Imam Tha'labi, Firuzabadi, Hakim Nishapuri, Muhammad Jazari, Muhammad Bin Jarir Tabari, Suyuti, Sakhawi, Muttaqi Hindi, Muhammad Bin Yusuf Ganji Shafi'i, Muhammad Bin Talha Shafi'i, Qazi Fazl Bin Ruzbahan, Munawi, Ibn Hajar Makki, Khatib Khawarizmi, Sulayman Qanduzi Hanafi, Ibn Maghazili Faqih Shafi'i, Dailami, Ibn Talha Shafi'i, Mir Seyyed Ali Hamadani, Hafiz Abu Nu'aim Ispahani, Sheikhu'l-Islam Hamwaini, Ibn Abi'l-Hadid Mu'tazali, Tibrani, Sibt Ibn Jauzi and Imam Abdu'r-Rahman Nisa'i.



Regarding the problem of vicegerency there are many authoritative statements confirming that the Holy Prophet did make his Will. No knowledgeable person denies this fact.

Nawab: The caliph of the prophet is also his vicegerent, the one who conducted his domestic affairs. For example they paid allowances to the wives of the Prophet. Why do you say that Ali was appointed vicegerent?

Well-Wisher: You are right. It is obvious that the Holy Prophet's caliph was also his vicegerent. During previous nights I have submitted my arguments and authoritative statements concerning the caliphate. That the Holy Prophet appointed Ali his caliph and vicegerent is quite right. While others were busy with their own conveniences and political conspiracies, the vicegerent of the Holy Prophet performed the funeral rites of the Holy Prophet. Afterwards he was occupied in returning the trust money and other valuables and caring for other matters with which the Holy Prophet had entrusted him. This is too clear to require any proof. Both our ulema agree regarding this fact.



To prove my point let me refer to some hadith :

(1) Creating Brotherly Relationship - Imam Tha'labi in his Manaqib and Tafsir, Ibn Maghazili Faqih Shafi'i in his Manaqib and Mir Seyyed Ali Hamadani in his Mawaddatu'l-Qurba (Mawadda VI) narrate from the second caliph, Umar bin Khattab, who, when the Holy Prophet established fraternal and brotherly ties between the companions, said, 'This Ali is my brother in this world and in the hereafter. Among my descendants he is my caliph; he is my successor (vicegerent) in my community. He is the heir to my knowledge; he is the payer of my debt. What belongs to him belongs to me; what belongs to me belongs to him; his benefit is my benefit and his loss is my loss. He who is a friend of his is really a friend of mine and he who is an enemy of his is really an enemy of mine."

(2) Enquiry by Salman - Sheikh Sulayman Balkhi Hanafi, ch. 15 of his Yanabiu'l-Mawadda has narrated twenty hadith in support of the vicegerency of Ali from Imam Tha'labi, Hamwaini, Hafiz Abu Nu'aim, Ahmad Bin Hanbal, Ibn Maghazili, Khawarizmi and Dailami. I submit some of them for your guidance. He reports from Ahmad Bin Hanbal's Musnad (and Sibt Ibn Jauzi in his Tadhkirat-e-Khawasu'l-Umma, p. 26, and Ibn Maghazili Shafi'i in his Manaqib have also narrated these hadith) that Anas Ibn Malik said: "I asked Salman to ask the Holy Prophet who was his Wasi (vicegerent). Salman asked the Holy Prophet 'O Prophet of Allah! Who is your vicegerent?' The Holy Prophet said, 'O Salman! Who is Salman's successor?' He said 'Yusha Bin Nun.' Then the Holy Prophet said, 'My successor and my heir, who will pay my debt and will fulfill my promises, is Ali Bin Abi Talib.'"

(3) Every prophet had a successor. Ali is my successor. It is reported from Muwaffaq Bin Ahmad, who quotes from Buraida that the Holy Prophet said: "Every prophet had a successor and heir, and verily, my successor and heir is Ali." Muhammad Bin Yusuf Ganji Shafi'i in his Kifayatu't-Talib, ch. 62, p. 131 quotes the same hadith which has also been narrated by Muhadith of Syria in his Ta'rikh.

(4) Ali is the seal of vicegerents. Sheikhu'l-Islam Hamwaini narrates from Abu dharr Ghifari, who said, "the Holy Prophet said, I am the seal of the prophets and you, O Ali, are the seal of the vicegerents until the day of judgement."

(5) Ali is my vicegerent from my progeny. It is reported from Khatib Khawarizmi, who reports from Ummu'l-Mu'minin Umme Salma, who said: "The Holy Prophet said, 'Allah has selected a successor for every prophet and after me my vicegerent from my progeny and my community is Ali.'"

(6) Ali asserts his position in a sermon. It is reported from Maghazili Faqih Shafi'i, who narrates from Asbagh Bin Nabuta, one of the chief companions of Amiru'l-Mu'minin, and Muslim and Bukhari also have quoted from him that his master Amiru'l-Mu'minin said in one of his sermons: "O people! I am imam (guide) of the whole creation. I am the successor (vicegerent) of the choicest of creatures; I am the father of the completely pure and guiding progeny; I am brother of the Holy Prophet, his successor, his trusted friend, and comrade. I am the master of the believers; I am the leader of those who have bright faces, bright hands and bright feet; I am the chief of all the successors. To fight against me is to fight against Allah; to make peace with me is to make peace with Allah. Obedience to me is obedience to Allah; friendship with me is friendship with Allah; my followers are friends of Allah; and my helpers are helpers of Allah."

(7) Allah made me prophet and Ali my vicegerent. Also Ibn Maghazili Shafi'i in his Manaqib quotes from Abdullah Bin Mas'ud that the Prophet of Allah said: "The message of prophethood ended with me and Ali; neither of us has ever prostrated before an idol; so Allah made me prophet and Ali the vicegerent."

(8) Ali's vicegerency is part of the formula of allegiance to Holy Prophet. Mir Seyyed Ali Hamadani Shafi'i reports in his Mawaddatu'l-Qurba, Mawadda IV, from Atba Bin Amir Jahni, who said, "We offered bayya (allegiance) to the Holy Prophet, acknowledging the fact that there is no god but Allah. He is one and has no partner and verily Muhammad is His prophet and Ali is His vicegerent. So if we omit any of these three things, we shall become unbelievers."

(9) I call people to truth and Ali illuminates it. In the same Mawaddatu'l-Qurba, it is also recorded that the Holy Prophet said: "Verily Allah has Appointed a vicegerent for every prophet: Seth, vicegerent of Adam; Joshua, vicegerent of Moses; Simon Peter vicegerent of Christ; and Ali, my vicegerent; and my vicegerent is superior to all vicegerents. I call the people to truth and Ali illuminates it."



The author of Yanabi quotes from Manaqib of Muwaffaq Bin Ahmad Khawarizmi, who narrates from Abu Ayyub Ansari, who said that when the Prophet of Allah was lying ill, Fatima came and began to weep.

Then the Holy Prophet said: "O Fatima, you are particularly blessed by Allah who has given you a husband whose Islam is foremost, whose knowledge is superior to any one else's, and whose patience exceeds all others' patience.

In fact Allah Almighty granted special favors to the people of this world. From among them He selected and appointed me His Prophet and Messenger. Then He granted another special blessing and from among the people He selected your husband. And He revealed to me that I should marry you to him and should make him my vicegerent."



After recording this hadith in his Manaqib, Ibn Maghazili Faqih Shafi'i records these additional words of the Prophet: "O Fatima! We Ahle Bait have been endowed with seven qualities, which none of the progenitors of mankind have had, and none among their progeny will have. The most exalted of the prophets belongs to us, and he is your father. My vicegerent is superior to all other vicegerents, and he is your husband. Our martyr excels all other martyrs and he is your uncle, Hamza. From among us (Ahle Bait) there is a man who has two wings with which he flies, whenever he likes, to Paradise, and he is your cousin, Ja'far. From us there are two grandsons who are the chiefs of the youths of Paradise, and they are your sons. And I tell you, by Allah who controls my life, that the Mahdi of this umma, behind whom Jesus, son of Mary, will offer prayers, will be a descendant of yours."

Sources: al-islam.org

Other Links:

Peshawar Nights: Characteristics of the Companions  

Peshawar Nights: Hadith that both Hasan and Hussein are foremost of youth of paradise

Peshawar Nights: Holy Prophet preferred Ali to all other men 

Peshawar Nights: Argument from the Verse of Cave and its reply  

Peshawar Nights: 300 Hundred verses in praise of Ali  

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