• Counter :
  • 294
  • Date :
  • 10/18/2011

Resistance to bear Palestinian victory

iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad

Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says resistance will further humiliate the Israeli regime and bring great victories for the Palestinians.

President Ahmadinejad made the remarks in a telephone conversation with Palestinian Prime Minster Ismail Haniyeh on Sunday, Iran’s presidential website reported.

The Iranian president congratulated the people of Palestine on a prisoner swap deal with the Tel Aviv regime and the freedom of hundreds of Palestinian prisoners, saying, ”Undoubtedly, the prisoner exchange is a great victory for the Palestinian nation, all Muslims and freedom and justice seekers of the world”‌ as well as independent nations.

Last week, the Palestinian Islamic resistance movement of Hamas reached a prisoner exchange deal with the Israeli regime.

Israel is due to release 1,027 Palestinian prisoners in two stages in exchange for Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, who was captured in 2006 by the Palestinian resistance forces.

President Ahmadinejad stated that the Islamic Republic of Iran has always stood by the oppressed Palestinian nation and the resistance movement, adding that the persisting struggle of the Palestinian nation would further disgrace the Israeli regime.

Palestinian Prime Minster Haniyeh, for his part, pointed to the prisoner swap deal and said, ”This victory has been gained following long years of patience and resistance by the Palestinian government and nation and is considered a great Islamic and national achievement.”‌

Source: presstv.ir

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