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  • Date :
  • 9/20/2011

President: US policy has enraged int’l community

president mahmoud ahmadinejad

In an interview with the US paper, Washington Post, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said that the US current policy, due to interference in other countries’ domestic affairs, has enraged the international community.

On the new report of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and the claims about what has been referred to as Iran’s intention to build nuclear weapon, President Ahmadinejad pointed out that these are the baseless allegations that the US has presented to IAEA, and are not valid.

According to IRIB, on uranium enrichment, President Ahmadinejad noted that Iran’s enrichment equipment in Natanz and Fordo are under the supervision of IAEA inspectors and cameras.

He underlined that Iran is not interested in production of 20% enriched fuel, but due to the act of sabotage of countries, which according to IAEA rules and regulations, were duty-bound to supply this fuel to Iran, the Iranian specialists were forced to produce fuel domestically.

In a response to a question on whether Iran and US could cooperate with each other on topics such as Afghanistan, President Ahmadinejad said cooperation can be shaped in numerous affairs if the US administration would accept not to take action against the Iranian nation and other nations.

On the recognition of an independent Palestine country, President Ahmadinejad reminded that: ”We hope Palestine would be accepted as an independent country at the UN, because it would be a prelude to liberty of all Palestinian territories.”‌

Source: irib.ir

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