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  • Date :
  • 3/16/2012

Bahrain Nursing Association demands end to Saudi invasion

bahrain nursing association

Bahrain’s Nursing Association has begun a week of resistance against the Saudi invasion of the country on the first anniversary of the arrival of KSA troops to help Manama in its brutal crackdown on protests.

Secretary of the Association of Nursing Ebrahim al-Dimstani told Al Alam television on Wednesday that activities planned for ''Resistance week against Saudi invasion'' include holding nationwide protest rallies and expressing solidarity with the victims of the Saudi-backed regime crackdown.

According to al-Dimstani, the anti-Saudi invasion week began on Monday, two days ahead of the first anniversary of the Saudi invasion.

Meanwhile, Bahrain's 14 February Coalition has called for large anti-government demonstrations to be held on March 15 to protest against Saudi Arabia's military intervention in Bahrain.

On March 14, 2011, Saudi troops entered Bahrain to assist the Manama government in its quelling peaceful popular protests in the Persian Gulf Island.

Bahrainis have been holding anti-government demonstrations since mid-February 2011, calling on the US-backed Al Khalifa family to leave power.

According to local sources, scores of people have been martyred and hundreds have been arrested in the Saudi-backed regime crackdown.

Source: irib.ir

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