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  • 168
  • Date :
  • 9/13/2011

Iran to build 34 atomic power plants

deputy head of irans atomic energy organization muhammad ahmadian

The Deputy Chairman of Islamic Republic of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization, Muhammad Ahmadian, has reported on plans for construction of 34 atomic power plants in Iran.

According to IRNA, in a televised interview with IRIB on Monday night, he noted that with the construction of these atomic power plants, over 20,000 megawatts of electricity will be generated in Iran.

He said that young Iranian scientists are currently capable of building power plants, while also cooperation with foreign scientists will always be taken into consideration to make use of state-of-the-art scientific know-how.

In further remarks, he pointed out that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) experts have recognized the Bushehr Atomic Power Plant as a safe power plant in the world, while also assuring the neighboring countries of the safety of this power station.

The Bushehr Atomic Power Plant’s electricity was linked to national power grid on Monday in the presence of Iranian and Russian officials. At the first phase, Bushehr Atomic Power Plant will generate electricity with a 40% capacity, while producing electricity with the 75% and 100% capacity, respectively in the second and third phases.

Source: irib.ir

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