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  • 205
  • Date :
  • 9/11/2011

Iran congratulates Tajik independence

iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad

Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has congratulated the Tajik nation and government on the occasion of the anniversary of the country’s independence.

In a message to Tajik President Emomalii Rahmon on Saturday, the Iranian chief executive congratulated the 20th anniversary of Tajikistan’s independence, IRNA reported.

President Ahmadinejad praised the friendly ties between Tehran and Dushanbe, and called for further expansion of bilateral relations.

He also wished progress and prosperity for the people and government of Tajikistan.

Earlier in September, during the inaugural ceremony of Sang Toodeh II Hydroelectric Power Plant in Tajikistan, Ahmadinejad lauded amicable relations between Iran and Tajikistan in all spheres and added that mutual ties can serve as a ”constructive model”‌ for all regional countries and nations.

Iran has invested around USD 180 million in the project, along with Tajikistan’s USD 40-million investments, and is expected to carry out the management of the plant for 12 years. Tajikistan’s national power company will then take over the management from Iran.

The Sang Toudeh II will help Tajikistan in its industrial and agricultural sectors and in meeting its energy needs.

Surce: presstv.ir

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