• Counter :
  • 158
  • Date :
  • 9/10/2011

Hunger affects millions in the US: Study

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The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) says more than 17.2 million American households faced hunger or could not afford enough food during last year.

A new federal report released recently showed that approximately one in three of these "food insecure" households or 14.5 percent of the US households were suffering from "very low food security," defined as a reduction of food intake by at least one household member and a disruption of eating patterns because the household lacked resources for food.

According to the USDA report, households living near or below the poverty line, single-parent households, and black or Hispanic households, were mostly affected by food insecurity.

Experts suggested that the latest US food security report shows that unemployment and the Great Recession continue to affect the US families.

Source: irib.ir

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