• Counter :
  • 169
  • Date :
  • 9/3/2011

NYPD used force against Muslims on Eid

muslim woman

New York police have been accused of using excessive force against Muslims celebrating Eid al-Fitr, which marks the end of the holy month of Ramadhan.

According to Press TV, Muslim civil rights leaders have accused authorities of using excessive force in the police violence against Muslims at the Rye Playland Amusement Park.

Violence broke out after Muslim women with Hijab who were denied permission to get on rides at the Westchester County Park, questioned park officials. The state police were then called.

A total of 15 people were arrested --mostly on charges of disorderly conduct.

Park officials claim that some rides have a no-headgear of any kind policy, meaning that even baseball caps are not permitted.

Source: irib.ir

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