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  • Date :
  • 7/24/2011

Larijani condemns Tehran’s terror act

iran’s majlis (parliament) speaker ali larijani

Iran’s Majlis (parliament) Speaker Ali Larijani has condemned the assassination of an Iranian university professor in the capital city of Tehran.

"Yesterday’s US-Zionist terrorist act that targeted one of the elites of Iran is another instance demonstrating the US's hostility (toward Iran)," Larijani as said on Sunday.

"Thus, the United States regards as allowable such (terrorist) acts in its sham global management," he added.

The Iranian Majlis speaker also called on Iran’s security forces to respond to terrorists with "stronger will."

The top Iranian official also noted that the US has resorted to terrorist acts because of failing in its adventures in the region.

On Saturday, unknown gunmen killed prominent Iranian university professor, Daryoush Rezaienejad, outside his house.

Rezaienejad and his wife were on their way to their child’s kindergarten when they were approached by two men on a motorbike. The gunmen called him by name and shot Rezaienejad, 35, in the neck when he turned around.

According to local sources, Rezaeinejad worked for the Iranian Defense Ministry.

No group or individual has claimed responsibility for the attack.

Source: presstv.ir

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