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  • Date :
  • 6/11/2011

Woman's Role in the Islamic Civilization

part 4


A modern day example of this awareness and participation was seen in the heat of the Islamic Revolution in Iran. With their babies in their arms, and young children by their sides, women protested against the tyrannical regime and were shot by the Shah's police. Several mothers and their children were martyred during those demonstrations.

As the message of truth rose, and the voice of Revolution is heard once again in the 20th Century, we see the women of Palestine, with tightened fists shaking in the faces of Zionist soldiers, rocks and stones in the other hand waiting for a chance to hit their targets. Today, these women and women like them all over the world are considered to be the cornerstone of this revolution. Hijab is their banner and they are proud of their position as the freedom fighters against the biggest enemy of truth.

We can see the effect that Islam has on the general public and hijab on the women by recent examples in Azarbaijan and Bosnia-Herzegovnia.

Islam has renewed itself among them and it has given them the courage and power to withstand the tyranny that plagues them. For many, Islam was removed from their culture by communism and socialism. They call themselves Muslims but they were, for the most part, ignorant of Islam's laws. When they gained their independence from these anti-human, anti-God systems, they moved toward the light of truth and regained what they had lost. One of the first signs of this was the hijab of the women.

These examples give imagination to what can be achieved by Muslim women who follow Islamic principles and laws. They show the great role in the life of people and the human experiment that she plays, contradicting those miserable imaginations and opinions stirred up by the ignorant concerning Islam and its unique ability in smashing the shackles obstructing Muslim women from performing their great legal responsibilities under the shadow of dynamic Islamic progress.


[18][21] Nahj al-Balagha, Sermon No, 192.

[13][17] Man and Religion, English version, 1st ed., p,81, Al-Balagh Foundation quoting from a bulletin by Al-Iskanadariah University.

[14][18] Ibid., p.82.

[15][19] Ibid., p,84.

[16][20] Ibid.

Source: alhassanain.com

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