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  • Date :
  • 6/8/2011

Iran to offer Bahrain roadmap

iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad

Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says the Islamic Republic is going to offer a roadmap for Bahrain in efforts to defuse the ongoing crisis in the Persian Gulf kingdom.

Speaking at a Tuesday news conference in Tehran, the president said that Iran will present a proposal to resolve the predicament in Bahrain once conditions allow, IRNA reported.

He also called on Bahrain’s ruling Al Khalifa family to engage in talks with its people on the basis of social justice and human rights and not allow outsiders to meddle in their domestic affairs.

President Ahmadinejad noted that royal families in the Arab world should realize that it is no longer acceptable to the public that a dynasty passes state control from generation to generation while failing to heed to public demands.

Meanwhile, the Iranian president rejected allegations that Tehran is interfering in Bahrain’s internal affairs.

He said the whole state of affairs in the Middle East would transform should the Islamic Republic of Iran meddle in the region.

Since the beginning of anti-regime protests in Bahrain in mid-February, Manama has launched a brutal crackdown on anti-government protesters, rounding up senior opposition figures and activists in dawn raids and arresting doctors, nurses, lawyers and journalists that had voiced support for the protest movement.

While the whereabouts of many detainees are still unknown, Bahraini authorities have begun to put a number of detained activists on trial in what the opposition describes as kangaroo courts.

Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have bitterly criticized the Persian Gulf sheikhdom’s government for its brutal crackdown on the popular protests.

Source: presstv.ir

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