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  • Date :
  • 5/22/2011

'Iran among safest investment hubs'

iranian first vice-president mohammad reza rahimi

Iran is among the safest countries in the world for foreign investment, despite the Western propaganda against the country, First Vice-President Mohammad Reza Rahimi says.

Rahimi pointed to the media hype by the world powers against the Islamic Republic, saying “Those who seek to invest in Iran should not take heed of such nonsense, and should know that Iran is one of the safest countries in the world for investment.”

He made the remarks during the inauguration ceremony of the 9th Iran Petrochem Forum in the Iranian capital of Tehran on Saturday.

Rahimi pointed to Iran’s vast oil and gas resources and its access to international waters, describing them as key advantages for investment in the country.

He also expressed Iran’s readiness to remove the existing obstacles in the way of investment for all the countries that seek "peaceful coexistence" with Iran.

“Of the world’s 192 countries, 146 ones did not approve of the US sanctions on Iran,” the Iranian top official said.

“Despite all the pressures by enemies, the Iranian nation has not been stopped at any point and is moving on with its normal life.”

On June 9, the UN Security Council imposed the US-engineered sanctions Resolution 1929 against Iran over allegations that Tehran might be developing a military nuclear program.

Following the move, both the US and the EU also imposed unilateral sanctions against the energy and banking sectors of the Islamic Republic.

Iranian officials refute the West’s allegations over Tehran’s nuclear program and stress that as a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency and a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, Iran has a legitimate right to pursue peaceful nuclear technology.

source: presstv.ir

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