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  • Date :
  • 5/18/2011

Iran holds 1st IT, telecom confab

iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad addressing iran’s first national telecom and information technology conference in tehran

Iran has held its first national telecom and information technology conference in the capital, Tehran, to discuss the formation of an electronic government.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and a number of senior officials in the field of information technology and communication attended the ceremony on Tuesday, a Press TV correspondent reported.

President Ahmadinejad praised the Iranian experts for their achievements, saying that the industry is one of the best means through which human beings can develop their potentials to the full.

The event is aimed at raising awareness about the communication industry, and to encourage experts and researchers to help shape the future landscape of the electronic government in Iran.

The Iranian chief executive described Iran’s progress in developing its IT and telecom sectors as a leap forward, stating that Iran can compete with other leading countries in the field of telecommunications.

Creation of an electronic government has been a priority for President Ahmadinejad’s administration.

Addressing the same gathering, Iranian Telecommunications Minister Reza Taqipour said that Iran has made a significant progress in expanding its IT and telecom sectors, adding that today nearly 57 million Iranians use mobile phones.

Taqipour further noted that IT and telecommunication services are now stretched to the most remote areas of the country, and over 97 percent of Iran’s villages have access to IT services.

Source: presstv.ir

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