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  • 188
  • Date :
  • 5/17/2011

Tehran to host Georgian painting exhibit


The Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) Cultural Institute is planning to mount an exhibition of paintings by renowned Georgian artists in the Iranian capital, Tehran.

The event, due to kick off on May 18, 2011, will display some 40 artworks by eleven prominent Georgian painters, Mehr News Agency reported.

Organized by the Tbilisi State Academy of Art, the exhibition is part of the programs launched to boost cultural exchange among regional states.

Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan are current members of ECO.

The ECO Cultural Institute (ECI) aims to foster understanding among ECO member states and preserve their rich cultural heritage through common projects in the field of media, literature, arts, philosophy, sport and education.

ECI’s Charter was signed on March 15, 1995 in the Pakistani capital, Islamabad.

Source:  presstv.ir

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