• Counter :
  • 206
  • Date :
  • 3/12/2012

Activists hold anti-Israel demonstration in Ankara

turkish activists in the capital ankara

Turkish activists have held a demonstration in the capital Ankara to condemn recent Israeli airstrikes on the Gaza Strip, Press TV reports.

The Sunday demonstration was organized by the Turkish Organization of Human Rights and Solidarity for Oppressed People (Mazlumder) in front of a residential building belonging to the Israeli Embassy in Ankara.

Eighteen Palestinians, including a 12-year-old child, have been killed in Israeli airstrikes on the besieged Gaza Strip since Friday.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday the Tel Aviv regime will continue airstrikes against Gaza “as long as necessary.”‌

Turkish protesters in Ankara called on the international community not to remain silent in the face of Israeli aggression against Palestinians.

The activists also issued a statement during the demonstration and urged Israel to end “the massacre”‌ of the Palestinians and its “unacceptable and inhumane”‌ policies towards Gaza.

Source: ‌presstv.com

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