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  • 807
  • Date :
  • 10/2/2010

Definition of Cancer


There are many different forms of cancer. Their manifestation is a growth of cells and tissues, which differ in various aspects from the surrounding tissue.

 Cancers occur in all living things. All life forms share similar DNA and RNA blueprints and cell physiology. Therefore, the mechanisms for cancer development and methods for cancer treatment are similar.

What is Cancer?

Cancer cells are very similar to cells of the organism from which they originated and have similar (but not identical) DNA and RNA. This is the reason why they are not very often detected by the immune system, in particular if it is weakened. Cancer cells usually have an increased ability to divide rapidly and their number of divisions is not limited by telomeres on DNA (a counter system to limit number of divisions to 40-60). This can lead to the formation of large masses of tissue and in turn may lead to disruption of bodily functions due to destruction of organs or vital structures.

How is Cancer formed?

Cancer cells are formed from normal cells due to a modification / mutation of DNA and/or RNA. These modifications / mutations can occur spontaneously (II Law of Thermodynamics - increase of entropy) or they may be induced by other factors such as: nuclear radiation, electromagnetic radiation (microwaves, X-rays, Gamma-rays, Ultraviolet-rays, etc.), viruses, bacteria and fungi, parasites (due to tissue inflammation/irritation), heat, chemicals in the air, water and food, mechanical cell-level injury, free radicals, evolution and ageing of DNA and RNA, etc. All these can produce mutations that may start cancer. Cancer can be called therefore "Entropic Disease" since it is associated with the increase of entropy of the organism to the point where the organism cannot correct this itself. External intervention is required to allow the organism to return to a stable entropic state.

Cancer cells are formed continuously in the organism (it is estimated that there are about 10,000 cancer cells at any given time in a healthy person). The question is why some of these results in macroscopic-level cancers and some don’t. First, not all damaged cells can multiply and many of them die quickly. Those which have the potential to divide and form cancer are effectively destroyed by the various mechanisms available to the immune system. This process takes place continuously. Therefore cancer develops if the immune system is not working properly and/or the amount of cells produced is too great for the immune system to eliminate. The rate of DNA and RNA mutations can be too high under some conditions such as: unhealthy environment (due to radiation, chemicals, etc.), poor diet (unhealthy cell environment), people with genetic predispositions to mutations and people of advanced age (above 80).

Precursors of Cancer and Cancer Prevention

A weak or non-functioning immune system, poor health, an unhealthy environment and advanced age (over 80) can contribute to cancer.

In the majority of people cancer can be prevented with proper lifestyle which consists of a low-entropy diet, exercise, sleep, stress reduction, etc.

In most cases cancer develops slowly over many years. With a positive change of lifestyle and healthy environment this trend can be reversed in the majority of cases (probably in 90% -> 95%) - the cancer will shrink and eventually disappear.

Source: digital-recordings.com

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