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  • Date :
  • 6/6/2010

Flotilla activist plans to sue Israel

flotilla activist plans to sue israel
Israeli-Swedish peace activist and artist Dror Feiler says he will file a lawsuit against Israel for assaulting and falsely imprisoning him.

On May 31, the Israeli military launched an assault on one of the ships in the Freedom Flotilla, the Turkish vessel M. V. Mavi Marmara, killing nine activists and wounding 50. The Freedom Flotilla was carrying 10,000 tons of humanitarian assistance to Gaza and was clearly in international waters.

On Saturday, Feiler said that he had tried to talk with the Israeli soldiers on board the ship but was beaten up. He was later detained, after the boat was diverted to Ashdod, on the grounds that he had illegally entered Israel, the Maan news agency reported.

Contrary to Israeli statements, the passengers did not possess any arms and were only trying to defend themselves when they were attacked, he added.

Another Swedish activist, Ida Manga, told Arab News that the Turkish group IHH, which helped organize the Freedom Flotilla, "works in the field of humanitarian aid in 143 countries around the world. The Israeli assault was illogical and I cannot fathom the reasons behind it."

Source: presstv.ir

Other links:

Gaza aid flotilla attacked, 10 killed

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