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  • Date :
  • 5/11/2010

Work pressure leads to 'heart disease'


Women stressed out from work under the age of 50 are more at the risk of developing heart disease; a research on more than 12,000 nurses has shown.

Researchers at the British Heart Foundation have shown that pressure from work has a bigger negative effect on young women than those who are over 50.

The study focused on over 12,000 female nurses aged between 45 and 64, and tracked their health for 15 years.

By 2008, 580 nurses had been admitted to the hospital with various heart disease issues, including cases of angina and heart attacks.

Besides risk factors such as smoking and diabetes, the patients who described their work stress as "much too high" were 35 percent more likely to have developed heart diseases than those who easily handled pressure at work.

However, when the same results were broken down by age, the data showed the most significant effect was seen on women aged 50 or under.

"Our latest employment survey found that 55 percent of nurses feel they are under too much pressure at work, making this research worrying reading," said June Davison, a cardiac nurse with the British Heart Foundation.

“If you feel under pressure you should try and tackle it in a positive way and get active during work hours” Davison added.

"We know that safe staffing levels are key to providing the best quality care for patients - this research also suggests under-staffing and excess pressure can have a damaging effect on nurses' health."

Source: presstv.ir

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