Miscellaneous Articles [Electronic resources] نسخه متنی

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Miscellaneous Articles [Electronic resources] - نسخه متنی

Ghafoor Parekh, Albert Schwitzer

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The ship of human destiny is gradually nearing it's doom in the perilous whirlpool of Materialism. The so called scientific progress has increased the greed of man to such an extent that he lusts to gain control over Venus, Moon and Sun. This has made him oblivious of the problems of the earth.

The protagonists of culture have degraded humanity so low in the abyss of shamelessness that perhaps the laws of patriach Adam are wet with sweat of humiliation.

Apparently the world is full of light but dark shadows of ignorance are spreading far and wide. The progeny of Satan (devil) has perfected its design to avenge it's dishonor from the progeny of Adam. Horrible circumstances and tumults of crimes have closed the doors of human emanicipation. Dark shadows of pessimism are harrowing over humanity.

But, the only ray of hope in this realm of hopelessness is the light of yourself which shines inspite of the unseen curtain. I implore you O master! manifest yourself and shorten the moments of our longings for you, lest we lose patience. Pray, unfold the covering of invisibility and let your light illuminate the world. Testify these words of the Almighty "God will perfect his light, though the unbelievers will be averse."

Your advent is the sign of the arrival of the day of resuurection but your absence is no less painfulthan doomsday. The suffering humanity needs you. I have perfect faith in your coming and hence as a good tiding of your manifestation as well as a form of welcome humbly present this book "Qayamate Sughra" at your holy steps. I hope that you accept me as your humble slave and this might be the means of my salvation.

To be Continued....

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