Collection of Sweet Fragrance! [Electronic resources] نسخه متنی

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Collection of Sweet Fragrance! [Electronic resources] - نسخه متنی

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Collection of Sweet Fragrance!

Some botanists believe that, the aroma of red
consists of forty different smells.

The bacteria which eats earth!

Do you know that some bacteria eat the earth
and their job is the eating of streets and roads?

The heaviest baby of the world!

When a whale is born, its length is about 7
and its weight is about 500 kg and its mother feeds
it about 6 months.

Why do we feel exhaustion?

Do you know why man and other
animals feel exhaustion?
When the activities of body muscles (which are the
basic elements of alive creatures movement) begin,
two chemical materials, Phosphoric Acid
and Lactic Acid are produced.

These produced
materials are more than required measurements for body,
at the time of tiredness.

These materials make the activity
of muscles, slow. body will be prepared for activity after some
sleep or relaxation, because produced acids are used little by little
and muscles will be released for continuation of the activity.

One snake for 120 sheeps!

A kind of snake lives in Australia, which is
famed to Tiger
snake, is the most dangerous poisonous snakes of the world.

If a big kind of this snake does a complete bite, the oozed
poison will be enough for killing about 120 sheeps and 120 humans.

How old is the Sun?

Astronomers believe that the sun has been
made of a big gaseous
cloud, about six thousands million years ago.

The distance
between the sun and the earth is 148 million kms. The thickness
of the sun is 139000 kms.

The sun surface has a warmth about
6000 cgs degree but the warmth of the sun center is more than this.

Both fast and slow!

The moon rotates on its orbit around the
earth, with the speed of
1 kilometer per second. This speed is equal with the speed of the
fastest worlds plane.

It has no tooth, but chews!

Turtles have no teeth. But, beside their
maxilla,there is a strong and
thick cover, which helps them chewing their foods.

The biggest cemetery!

Scientists have counted that the length of China Wall is about of
the earth circumference.

Some others believe that this wall can be
seen from the moon without telescope.

So little and
this much speed!

The power of butterflies flight are
wonderful. Some of these delicate
and small insects can fly the distance between Europe and Africa
without stopping. The average speed of butterflies flight at the time
of immigration is about 60 kms per hour.

Jump Champion!

Flea is Jump Champion among insects. Flea is
able to do a Jump
about 30 cms broad jump and 20 Meters height. In comparison
between man and flea, if a man can jump like a Flea, it is about
260 meters, (about a 70-floor building).

Graft of

Certainly you have heard that if we divide an
earthworm in two
parts, it is able to continue its life.

But more interesting than it,
is this:If we take three earthworms and cut the head of the first, tail
of the second and middle of the third and then stick them so that,
head of the first earthworm settles on front, middle of the third on
the middle and tail of the second at the end, then these three parts
graft with each other, after some times the existed earthworm is
able to continue the life.

than a string of hair!

The thickness of some human bodys
capillaries is 50 times thinner
than a string of hair. So, if we put one of these capillaries among
our fingers, we are not able to see or even to feel it, at all.

What a close way!

The closest star to the earth (before sun) is
Alfasentaro. This
star is so far from the earth. Its light will take about 4 light years
to reach the earth.


Pepper is one of the most full vitamin fruits of the world. For
example a red pepper (about 10-12 cms) has vitamin C five
times as much lime. Besides, there are A, B1, B2, and
P Vitamins in pepper, too. Of course, some of the peppers
vitamins are wasted at the time of making dry.

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