Weapon Set 1, Thug's Tools | LXGIWYL |
Weapon Set 2, Professional Tools | KJKSZPJ |
Weapon Set 3, Nutter Tools | UZUMYMW |
Health, Armor, $250k | HESOYAM |
Increase Wanted Level Two Stars | OSRBLHH |
Clear Wanted Level | ASNAEB |
Infinite Ammo, No Reload | WANRLTW |
Full Weapon Aiming While Driving | OUIQDMW |
Mega Jump | LFGMHAL |
Mega Punch | IAVENJQ |
Infinite Health | BAGUVIX |
Infinite Oxygen | CVWKXAM |
Never Wanted | AEZAKMI |
Six Star Wanted Level | LJSPQK |
Never Get Hungry | AEDUWNV |
Hitman In All Weapon Stats | NCSGDAG |
Max All Vehicle Skill Stats | VQIMAHA |
Max Muscle | JYSDSOD |
Skinny | KVGYZQK |
Have a bounty on your head | BAGOWPG |
Slut Magnet | BEKKNQV |
Adrenaline Mode | MUNASEF |
Max Sex Appeal | EHIBXQS |
Max Respect | OGXSDAG |
Recruit Anyone (9mm) | SJMAHPE |
Recruit Anyone (Rockets) | ZSOXFSQ |
Suicide | SZCMAWO |
Sunny Weather | AFZLLQLL |
Very Sunny Weather | ICIKPYH |
Overcast Weather | ALNSFMZO |
Rainy Weather | AUIFRVQS |
Foggy Weather | CFVFGMJ |
Faster Clock | YSOHNUL |
Faster Gameplay | PPGWJHT |
Slower Gameplay | LIYOAAY |
Peds Attack Each Other, Get Golf Club | AJLOJYQY |
Everyone is armed | FOOOXFT |
Blow Up All Cars | CPKTNWT |
Invisible car | XICWMD |
All green lights | ZEIIVG |
Aggressive Drivers | YLTEICZ |
Pink traffic | LLQPFBN |
Black traffic | IOWDLAC |
Boats fly | AFSNMSMW |
Elvis is Everywhere | ASBHGRB |
Peds Attack You | BGLUAWML |
Beach Party | CIKGCGX |
Gang Members Everywhere | MROEMZH |
Gangs Control the Streets | BIFBUZZ |
Ninja Theme | AFPHULTL |
Traffic is Cheap Cars | BGKGTJH |
Traffic is Fast Cars | GUSNHDE |
Cars Fly | RIPAZHA |
Huge Bunny Hop | JHJOECW |
Cars Float Away When Hit | BSXSGGC |
Always Midnight | XJVSNAJ |
Orange Sky 21:00 | OFVIAC |
Thunderstorm | MGHXYRM |
Sandstorm | CWJXUOC |
Riot Mode | IOJUFZN |
Funhouse Theme | PRIEBJ |
Reduced Traffic | THGLOJ |
Traffic is Country Vehicle | FVTMNBZ |
Country Vehicles and Peds, Get "Born 2 Truck" Outfit | BMTPWHR |
Spawn Limo | KRIJEBR |
Spawn Monster Truck | MONSTERMASH |
Spawn Dozer | ITSALLBULL |
Spawn Tanker Truck | AMOMHRER |
Spawn Stunt Plane | FLYINGTOSTUNT |
Spawn Rhino | AIWPRTON |
Spawn Bloodring Banger | CQZIJMB |
Spawn Rancher | JQNTDMH |
Spawn Racecar | PDNEJOH |
Spawn Racecar | VPJTQWV |
Spawn Romero | AQTBCODX |
Spawn Stretch | KRIJEBR |
Spawn Trashmaster | UBHYZHQ |
Spawn Caddy | RZHSUEW |
Spawn Hydra | JUMPJET |
Spawn Vortex Hovercraft | KGGGDKP |
Spawn Hunter | OHDUDE |
Perfect Handling | PGGOMOY |
Smash n' Boom | JCNRUAD |
All Cars Have Nitro | COXEFGU |
Taxis Have Nitrous, L3 Bunny Hop | VKYPQCF |
Spawn Parachute | AIYPWZQP |
Spawn Jetpack | YECGAA |
Secret Cars
Here is a cheat to get some secret cars, boats and stuff
BF injection: Get first place at the dirt ring race at las venturas stadium
Bloodring Banger: Get your total time up to 1 minute in the Bloodring
Bullet: Get all silver awards in driving school
Dune: Beat the score of 25 at the Dirt Ring
FCR-900: Get all silver awards in bike school
Freeway: Get all bronze awards in bike school
HotKnife: Get all gold awards in driving school
Hotring Racer: Get first place in 8 - Track
Hunter: Get all gold awards in pilot school to spawn one at Verdant Meadows Airstrip
Hydra: Beat the mission, "Vertical Bird" and it will spawn at your airstrip
Jet Pack: Complete the airstrip asset near Las Venturas
JetMax: Get all gold awards in boat school
Marquis: Get all bronze awards in boat school
Monster Car: Win it by beating 8-track
NRG-500: Get all gold awards at Bike School
Rustler: Get all bronze awards in pilot school
Squallo: Get all silver awards in boat school
Stunt Plane: Get all silver awards in pilot school
Super GT: Get all bronze awards in driving school
Info submitted by john on Tuesday, November 2, 2004 at 12:01:56
Fast Workout
With workout you can only workout until a limit and it says "...Come back tomorrow". Since you can only workout to that point, what you can do is goto your house and save the game about 3-4 times in a row (each save is 9 hours). Then after you do that a few times (9x3=27hours) you can go back to the gym and workout some more.
Info submitted by Mattcook on Tuesday, October 26, 2004 at 18:00:08
Easy Money, Respect, And Guns, All From The Safety Of Your Home
Ok, First of all this isn't truly a code its a small glitch and it might work well in other places, but i used the save at your garage in san feria. First get a pistol with some ammo, not a lot because that is what this glitch is for, and go to the garage. Then just start cappin' people making sure you are getting all the cops. As your wanted level begins to rise more and more cops appear, kill each of them and collect their weapons. As your health starts to deplete go closer to the save point, but don't touch it until you think you have to. Once you do touch it save your game, and come back to the outside world with no wanted level and the same amount of cops around. You can repeat this process as many times as you want, with what ever gun, to level it and gain respect. I found this out by accident and stuck with it so I could make my self a hitman with all the available weapons
Info submitted by KaDeathScythe2122 on Tuesday, November 2, 2004 at 17:47:35
Video Game "They Crawled From Uranus"
Hint: Enter Carl's home and turn right towards the TV. Hit the triangle when close enough and you will be playing his video game
"They came from Uranus"
Info submitted by GTA Gamer on Saturday, October 30, 2004 at 18:28:45
2 Player mode & Where to get a quad
2 player mode: To play in 2 player mode, go to Big smokes house ("BS" on the map). Then face it. then go to your right and keep going until you get to a fence. on the other side you will see a red icon. climb the fence and run into it. now the 2nd player can choose what they look like. then you get to play with two people in free roam mode.
Get a quad: Go to Blueberry Acres and by the bridge that is closed off, there will be a sign hanging down that says Easterboard Farm. Go into the farm and next to one of the buildings, there will be a quad.
Info submitted by Anthony Reda on Thursday, October 28, 2004 at 17:01:32
Get to planes without unlocking next city
OK, if you would like to fly to San Fierro or Las Venturas before unlocking them, then take a truck or car (preferably a truck) and go down to the Los Santos airport. Go to the entrance where when you get close it says you can't go in until you go through pilot school. Park your vehicle next to the small shack, get out of your vehicle, jump on top of your vehicle, and then on top of the building. From there, jump over the fence. And there you go! Access to planes and other cities! Use the "never wanted" code to keep the cops off of you.
Info submitted by Moobs on Thursday, October 28, 2004 at 05:48:54
Get Great Strength
Hint: To get great strength, you must work. You must go to the gym. Working out at the gym will enable CJ to attack more efficiently and hit harder with meelee attacks. My hint is to do 2 things:
1.) Go to the ocean or lake and swim for hours. 30 minutes of swimming will give extra levels of stamina and strength to CJ. Also you will become a better swimmer and will know the vast area in which you area swimming in.
2.) Get a bike (BMX or BIKE) that consists of CJ pedaling. Go somewhere that will need much pedaling, but not too much so that you will get stuck. that would be bad. Like Red Country. With the BMX try to jump a lot, because the more you jump the better CJ will become at jumping and overtime you and CJ will be able to do cool tricks on the bike.
Info submitted by cavemankiller12 on Thursday, October 28, 2004 at 14:56:15
Get buff fast in one day
Go to any gym and work out a little then before it says (come back tomorrow) go out. Then go back in and do the same thing again. But make sure you go out before it says (come Back tomorrow). Again go back in and from there work out as much as you want the game shouldn't say (come back tomorrow). this a the fastest way you could get buff.
Info submitted by Shorty Pelcastre on Tuesday, November 2, 2004 at 23:35:54
How To Do A Front Wheel Wheelie
First You Have To Get Any Kind Of Bike(Sanchez,PCJ600,BMX,Mountain)Then You Need To Accelerate On A Straight Road, Lean Forward and Brake(Like Doing A Stoppie). Then Accelerate and Keep Leaning Forward.
Info submitted by AlexMAndres on Tuesday, November 2, 2004 at 08:56:34
Easier Way To Get In Airport
Go by the airport, take a right at the entrance (don't go in), follow the road, go through the tunnel, watch your map and you will see a very small gap (which can be jumped even on foot) from you and a corner of the airport. Jump the small gap and your in.
Info submitted by JRL749 on Tuesday, June 14, 2005 at 10:53:19
Increase Lung Capacity
Start swimming underwater (but don't get too deep) until your breath meter gets low. Then, go up 'till your breath meter is full. Repeat this process for three or four times and lung capacity will increase. This way I reached the max. lung capacity level.
Info submitted by lostos on Wednesday, July 13, 2005 at 05:31:39
Easy Money
Just kill the dealers: they carry $2000 each.
Info submitted by mannes on Saturday, July 16, 2005 at 12:39:40
Cool weapon
Go to the police station in Los Santos and through the locker room and to the showers. At the end you will find a pink weapon with two heads. You will figure out easily what it is.
Info submitted by B-boy on Monday, July 11, 2005 at 01:54:56
Liberty Ghost City
USE AT OWN RISK! This cheat is going to bring CJ into the ground coding of the game. When you reach the mission "Saint Marks Bistro" (usually appears after the High Noon mission) save your game and start it by entering Calligulas casino. You fly over to Liberty and all that, then when you've almost completed the mission activate the "Infinitie health" cheat and the "mega jump" cheat. You can find them above. When you reach the backyard with the guy with the red marker over his head. Ignore him and jump over the wall opposite of where you entered the backyard. Leap over the next wall as well and you would think that your fall would stop on the road but no. You're going to fall and fall and fall until you reach water. If you look around, you'll see something that looks like a tunnel or something. Kinda lokks like a small part of Liberty City. If you swim around you can find a couple of oysters and smoke grenades. I couldn't reach the smoke grenades, but hey. Cool glitch.
Info submitted by Skaperen on Friday, August 5, 2005 at 11:00:03
Chain Reaction
When you're in the hospital area, cross the street and jump over the rail to get into the interstate. Jack a few cars and put them in the middle of the road. This causes the cars to stop. Then damage one of the cars until it blows up[Rocket Launcher or Shotgun Suggested, run away when fire comes out of the car]. This should cause one car to blow up, then the other, then the other...
Info submitted by Carter Fagan on Monday, July 25, 2005 at 23:07:30
How to get a shield
Go to the police station. There go into it. The police officers will not attack you, until you punch someone or draw out a weapon. Down into the lock-ups into the middle you will find a shield. Into the police station you will find some weapons, but don't take them, because you will get two wanted stars.
Info submitted by Tony on Thursday, August 18, 2005 at 06:14:24
Shoot the Moon
Shoot at the moon with a sniper rifle for kicks, like in GTA 3 and Vice City.
Info submitted by wesselse on Thursday, August 18, 2005 at 13:59:46
Get card from Millie
When you've played the mission: 'A key to her heart', you need to 'wine and dine' with Millie to get the card for the mission: 'Robbing the bank at Caligula's' When your relationship is 35%, you'll get the card. To get the 35% without dating her and stuff, go to a save house, put on your gimp suit, go to Millie, the date will start, go back home, save a few times (2 or 3) to get to the next day, get your gimp suit, go to Millie and join her for some hot coffee. Millie will call you to get the card!
Info submitted by Adel soft.nl on Friday, August 12, 2005 at 05:04:30