Ancient Prophets for a Modern World - Jesus (P):
The Virtues of Mary in Islam (Part 3)
The Virtues of Mary in Islam
1. One of the Four Best Ladies
Of all ladies of the world, Mary is one of the four most honourable. It is narrated from the Prophet of Islam (s.a.w.w): “Verily, Allah has chosen from among women four ladies: Asiyah the daughter of Mezahim, the wife of Pharaoh; Maryram the mother of Jesus; Khadijah the daughter of Khowaylid, and Fatimah (s.a) the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) who is the most honourable of them all.”
2. Her Name
Maryam (Mary in English) is the only female name mentioned in the entire Quran. Her name is repeated sixteen times in the Quran and Chapter nineteen of the Quran is named after her.
Mary is a Hebrew name (Miriam) which literally means a female worshipper and devotee.
3. The First Female Divinely Chosen
Holy Mary’s spiritual status, although she was not a prophetess, was actually higher than some of the prophets such as her guardian Prophet Zachariyah insomuch as she had been chosen by Almighty Allah for an immaculate task, in the same way in which He had chosen His messengers.
4. Virgin Mother
Mary was also uniquely chosen over all the women of the world for the miraculous birth of her holy son whilst still a virgin, never having been touched by any man. It is with reference to this virtue that the Almighty God states,
“O Mary! Verily Allah has chosen you, purified you, and chosen you above the women of mankind.” [3:42].
Mary is the only lady in history who, without human male intervention in any form, became pregnant with Jesus.
5. Pure
Mary was also the first ‘Batool’ meaning pure from menstruating.
God had made her pure from menstruating so that she could devote her entire time to the service of the temple. Among Christian sects, most of the Protestants do not believe in the perpetual virginity of Mary.
6. The First Sinless Female (Ma’soomeh)
Almighty Allah had purified her from any sin inasmuch as Prophets were purified and hence, she was the first impeccable or immaculate female in human history.
7. The Devout Female
As we shall learn from her biography, Mary`s mother had made a vow before her birth to dedicate her to the service of the temple and hence she was named Maryam. She herself fulfilled the vow throughout her entire life being the person she was. According to a Prophetic tradition, Jesus resurrected his mother and asked if she would like to live on earth again. Holy Mary replied,
“Yes but only if I may offer prayers during the cold nights of winter and fast the long days of summer.”
8. Fostered by the Almighty Through Prophet Zachariah
According to the holy Quran, Almighty God made Mary grow in a goodly manner under the care of Prophet Zachariah. [3:37] Her sustenance had also been provided from heaven as witnessed on many an occasion by Prophet Zachariah.
“Every time he (Zachariah) entered her praying place to visit her, he found her supplied with sustenance. He said: O Mary! From where have you got this? She said, this is from Allah, verily Allah provides sustenance to whom He wills, without limit.” [3:37]
9. Al-Mohadatheh (A female spoken to by Angels)
The Holy Quran clearly states that the angels would descend and communicate with the Virgin Mary. Thus, on more than one occasion quoting from the angels addressing her we read in the Quran, “When the angels said O Mary…”[3:42,45]
10. Mostajabatul Da’wah (a female whose prayers are granted)
Other links:
Jesus (Isa) A.S. in Islam, and his Second Coming
Hazrat Isa’s (A.S.) Descension, the Physical Features of Hazrat Isa (A.S.)
Sayings of Jesus
Article Author : Sheikh Mansour Leghaei