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  • Date :
  • 6/28/2008

Study finds cause of sleepwalking


Canadian scientists have claimed that the episodes of sleepwalking increase when the normal sleep pattern is disrupted in sleepwalkers.

According to a study published in the Neurology journal, sleepwalkers experience more episodes when they are deprived of sleep due to factors such as noise.

University of Montreal researchers concluded that in order to reduce sleepwalking, sleepwalkers should maintain regular sleep cycles, minimize sleep deprivation and avoid potential environmental disturbances during sleep.

Sleepwalking is a disorder characterized by behaviors such as getting out of bed, walking around the room and even driving a car. It commonly occurs in mid-childhood and preadolescence with a peak incidence in children aged 11-12 years.




This sleep disorder can have a genetic tendency. It usually occurs during the slow-wave stages of non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, when rapid eye movement does not take place.

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