Social Justice in Islam
Deina Abdelkader(1)216 pg PB
Western theoretical approaches of modernization, development, social progress and interaction have failed to understand the dynamics of the Islamic revival. The author, in this book, argues that question of social justice are indelibly tied to the phenomenon of contemporary Islamic resurgence as the quest for social justice is in fact motivated by the SHARI'AH.
Using the two sources of MAQASID and MASLAHAH, and through the examination of the dialectical link between FIQH and reality, the author shows their indispensability as important methodological tools for the study of the social science and, indeed, of social phenomena.
"The author conclusions not only support the assertions of those who say that Islamic jurisprudence has methodologies and tools that can be used successfully for the study of social phenomena throughout the Muslim world; they also form the nucleus of an Islamic methodology that can be further developed to enable it to bring about the progress, which the social sciences are still striving to achieve."
Contents: Preface. Introduction. 1. Islamic activism in search of a theory: a review of the literature. 2. Islamic activism: the relation between the Shari’ah and Muslim peoples’ expectations. 3. The research design: developing the link between Islamic law and Islamic activists’ grievances. 4. The place of religious discourse in modern Egypt. 5. The place of religious discourse in modern Algeria. 6. The place of religious discourse in modern Turkey. 7. The imperatives and implications of a cultural revolution: a conclusion. Appendices. Glossary of Arabic terms. Bibliography.
1-Professor of History in Tufts University
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