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  • 7/24/2004

1-Arabic Calligraphy:

 Naskhstylefor beginners
 Mustafa Ja'far

NaskhisoneofthesixmajorcursiveArabicscripts.Its originscanbe tracedbacktothe late-8thcenturyADanditisstill inusetoday.For centuries,noviceArabic calligraphershavelearnedtheskillofthisnobleartbypractising Naskh.Thisintroductoryworkbookis designedtomakeitpossibleforeveryonetolearnArabiccalligraphy. Basedonhisexperienceofrunning workshopsand demonstrations, Mustafa Ja'farhas distilledthebasicsintoa teach-yourselfguidethatprogressesfromtheinitial, medialandfinal formsofArabiclettersto joinedletterstocompletewords. Guidelinesarealsoprovidedon pens,ink,andwritingangleforbestresults.

Book Description
isamongthemostpopularofthesixmajorArabicscripts,usedinmore Qur-ansthanallotherscriptscombined.The easy-to-follow, self-studyworkbookArabicCalligraphymakesitpossibleforyoutolearnandenjoythebeautyofthisnobleart.Thefirst stroke-by-strokeguideforlearningArabiccalligraphy,itprogressesfromtheinitial, medial,andfinal formsofArabiclettersto joinedlettersandontocompletewords. Guidelinesalsohelpyoudeterminewhich pens,ink,andwritingangletouseforbestresults.


 Abdelkebir Khatibi,Mohammed Sijelmassi

From Library Journal
A revisedand expanded versionofthe 1976 edition,this scholarly study displays several hundred spectacular examplesofanartformthatis underappreciatedinthe West. Independent scholars livingin Morocco,the authors beginby providinga conceptualand historical backgroundtothe meaningand originsof Islamic calligraphy.Theythen explicatethe aesthetics, techniques, styles,and structureoftheart.New chaptersontheuseof calligraphyin architectureand contemporary painting (featuring artists Hoosier Zenderoudi, Rashid Koraishi,and Shakir Hassan) enrichthe coverageofthe subject.Thetext, which contains informationof unquestionable value,is marredonlybythe turgidly academic writing. Still,thisis recommendedfor public librariesforits illustrationsand highly recommendedfor academic librarieswithan interestinthe arts.?Eugene C. Burt,Art Inst.of Seattle Lib.

Interior Design

A visually stunning studyof Islamic calligraphy...these great illustrationswillseta designer's hearton fire.

Book Description
Calligraphy,theartthat combines visual imageand writtenword,is perhapsatitsmost brilliantintheartsof Islam. Islamic calligraphy traditionallytookits inspirationfromthe Muslim beliefinthe divine originof Arabic writing,the medium through whichthe Qur'anic revelationtothe Prophet Muhammadwas recorded.In early Islamtheuseof Arabic writingis sacred,and official textsgaverisetoa wonderful profusionof scriptsanda calligraphic traditionthathas flourishedforovera thousand years—notonlyin manuscript decorationbutin architecture, ceramics,and painting.With chaptersontheuseof calligraphyin architectureand contemporary painting,The Splendorof Islamic Calligraphy providesa comprehensiveand fascinating surveyofthe subjectfromits earliest originstothe presentday.It explainsthe geometricaland ornamental principlesof calligraphywiththehelpof numerousline drawings,and examinesthe interdependenceof scriptandpage decoration.It givesan overviewofthemany complex variationsofthismost graphicformof writingand tracesits evolutionuptoits current expression inthe paintingsof artistssuchas Shakir Hassan. Finally,and perhapsmost important,it contains outstanding examplesof scripts—kufic, thuluth, naskhi,andmaghribi among others—ina seriesof magnificent reproductionsof manuscript pages, paintings,and other worksofart. 232 illustrations, 98in color.

3-Arabic Art in Color (Dover Pictorial Archive Series)

by Prisse D'Avennes Art Arabe D'Apres Les Monuments Du Kaire Depuis Le V, D'Avennes Prisse, Prisse D'Avennes Decoration Arabe

Book Description
Here are 141 designs and motifs in authentic full color from classic 19th century work by noted French historian—a visual vocabulary of Islamic decorative art.

4-The Art of the Islamic Tile

 Gerard Degeorge, Yves Porter

About the Author
Gerard Degeorge is an historian and specialist in the study of Syria and of the Arab world in general. An experienced photographer of the Islamic world, and a civil engineer and architect, he teaches at the Ecole d'Architecture de Paris-la-Seine. The author has published several scholarly works includingOrnament and Decoration in Islamic Architecture (Thames & Hudson, 2000).

Yves Porter holds a Ph.D. in Iranian Studies and is a lecturer in Islamic Art at the Universite de Provence (Aix-en-Provence,France). He regularly participates in international conferences, has authored a book on the techniques of Persian painting, and has written numerous articles in both scientific and popular journals.

Book Description
Islamic ceramic tilework is surely one of the most magnificent forms of decorative art in the world. Through the centuries Islamic potters and craftsmen have displayed a skill and ingenuity that verge on the miraculous. From
Morocco in the west to India in the east, their work adorns mosques and minarets, palaces and mausoleums, revealing an extraordinary mastery of form, function, and design. The architecture of the Islamic world represents an incontestable high point in the art of ceramic decoration, and employs an inexhaustible source of decorative motifs: from floral to figurative, from geometric to allegoric, all in sumptuous, vibrant color. The art form continues to amaze and inspire today.
This volume presents a broad panorama of Islamic architectural decoration in all it diversity, drawn from a vast area includingSpain,North Africa,Turkey,Iran, and the Indian subcontinent. Sumptuous illustrations-- accompanied by a text that places each monument in its historical, architectural, and technological context-- conjure up a dazzling, magical world of fabulously decorated buildings, revealing the secrets of the techniques that made them possible.

5-Islamic Designs in Color (Dover Pictorial Archive)

N. Simakov, N. Simakoff

Language Notes
Text: English (translation)
Original Language: Russian
Book Description
Over 160 rich, sumptuous designs, reproduced from rare 19th-century edition. Copyright-free motifs drawn from carpets, tiles, carved wood, plates, jewelry, decorative painting of buildings and furnishings, metalwork, jewelry, more. Geometrics, florals and other designs in many sizes and shapes; rich selection of borders. Indispensable resource for design inspiration or direct practical use. 162 designs on 68 plates. Captions.

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