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انجمن ها > انجمن انگليسي > صفحه اول بحث
لطفا در سایت شناسائی شوید!
انگليسي (بازدید: 2167)
چهارشنبه 18/2/1387 - 21:36 -0 تشکر 39445
@...play time....@

Dear Tebyan member….




All right…..


It"s now play time…


I have some tongue twisters for u….they are all in English….


Let"s give it a try…..


 1. If you understand, say "understand" . If you don"t understand, say "don"t understand". But if you understand and say "don"t understand". How do I understand that you understand? Understand!


2. I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won"t wish the wish you wish to wish.


3. Sounding by sound is a sound method of sounding sounds


4. A sailor went to sea to see, what he could see. And all he   could  see was sea, sea, sea.


How was that?!?!??!?.....easy?!?!?



try these ones!!!!

  5. Purple Paper People, Purple Paper People, Purple Paper People

(not as easy as u imagined….)


6. If two witches were watching two watches, which witch would watch which watch?


7. I thought a thought. But the thought I thought wasn"t the thought   I thought I thought. If the thought I thought I thought had been  the thought I thought, I wouldn"t have thought so much.


8. Once a fellow met a fellow In a field of beans. Said a fellow to a fellow, "If a fellow asks a fellow, Can a fellow tell a fellow What a fellow means?"


9. Mr Inside went over to see Mr Outside. Mr Inside stood outside and called to Mr Outside inside. Mr Outside answered Mr Inside from inside and Told Mr Inside to come inside. Mr Inside said "NO", and told Mr Outside to come outside. Mr Outside and Mr Inside argued from inside and outside about going outside or coming inside. Finally, Mr Outside coaxed Mr Inside to come inside, then both Mr Outside and Mr Inside went outside to the riverside



 11. The owner of the inside inn was inside his inside inn with his inside outside his inside inn.


باید بروم در خلوت سرخ

تا بتوانم  ترانه ی آگاهی بخوانم

و خدا است تنها پناهم

خلوت، تولد حقیقتم خواهد شد


پنج شنبه 19/2/1387 - 7:57 - 0 تشکر 39466

اگر چه آسون بود . ولی ازش خوشم اومد . اگه میشه هر روز از اینها بگذارید . سرگرمی خوبیه . ! ! !

 Please , please ,please , plaese !

پنج شنبه 19/2/1387 - 10:15 - 0 تشکر 39477


just keep in mind practice makes perfect

so as u practice more....

these tongue twisters will help u improve ur pronounciation....

now for more fun.....

add to ur common knowledge

Image and video hosting by TinyPic" alt="longest city name!!!!" />


باید بروم در خلوت سرخ

تا بتوانم  ترانه ی آگاهی بخوانم

و خدا است تنها پناهم

خلوت، تولد حقیقتم خواهد شد


پنج شنبه 19/2/1387 - 12:19 - 0 تشکر 39499

if you have a big problam don,t say oh my god i have abig problam say hay problam i have abig god

شنبه 18/3/1387 - 7:40 - 0 تشکر 42475

1. If time doesn"t wait for you, don"t worry!

Just remove the damn battery from the clock and Enjoy life!

2. Expecting the world to treat u fairly coz u r a good person is like
expecting the lion not to attack u coz u r a vegetarian.

Think about it.

3. Beauty isn"t measured by outer appearance and what clothes we wear,
but what we are inside

. So, try going out naked tomorrow and see the admiration!

4. Don"t walk as if you rule the world,
walk as if you don"t care who rules the world!

That"s called Attitude…! Keep on rocking!

5. Every lady hopes that her daughter will marry a better man than she did
and is convinced that her son will never find a wife as good as his father did!!!

6. He was a good man. He never smoked, drank had no affair.
When he died, the insurance company refused the claim.

They said


 he who never lived, cannot die!

7. A man threw his wife in a pond of Crocodiles?

He"s now being harassed by the Animal Rights Activists for being cruel to the Crocodiles!

8. So many options for suicide:
Poison, sleeping pills, hanging,
jumping from a building, lying on train tracks,

but we chose Marriage, slow sure!

9. Only 20 percent boys have brains, rest have girlfriends!

10. All desirable things in life are either

illegal, banned, expensive or married to someone else!


باید بروم در خلوت سرخ

تا بتوانم  ترانه ی آگاهی بخوانم

و خدا است تنها پناهم

خلوت، تولد حقیقتم خواهد شد


شنبه 18/3/1387 - 16:3 - 0 تشکر 42518

Hi dear hesse gharib

Thanks alot for your text .but first part is really exciting i am confused now ! come on!!!!! and another is great .....but some sentences is not so clear.


خدايا در برابر هر آنچه انسان ماندن را به تباهي مي کشاند مرا با نداشتن و نخواستن رويين تن کن. (علي شريعتي)



"مدير انجمن زن ريحانه ي آفرينش"

"جانشين انجمن زبان انگليسي"

پنج شنبه 28/6/1387 - 12:28 - 0 تشکر 58653


باید بروم در خلوت سرخ

تا بتوانم  ترانه ی آگاهی بخوانم

و خدا است تنها پناهم

خلوت، تولد حقیقتم خواهد شد


پنج شنبه 28/6/1387 - 15:20 - 0 تشکر 58679

What about this ?

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck , if a woodchuck could chuck wood .

کاش میدانستم که کجا دلها به ظهور تو آرام خواهد گرفت  

سه شنبه 2/7/1387 - 22:20 - 0 تشکر 60080

Hey read this, its really very interesting........

Some of CONFUSING ENGLISH make me headache, would u help me?

1. If Fed Ex and UPS were to merge, would they call it Fed UP?

2. Do Lipton Tea employees take coffee breaks?

3. If olive oil comes from olives, where does baby oil come from?

4. If people from Poland are called Poles, why aren"t people from Holland called Holes?

5. Do infants enjoy infancy as much as adults enjoy adultery?

6. Why the man who invests all your money called a broker?

7. If horrific means to make horrible, does terrific mean to make terrible?

8. Why is it called building when it is already built?

9. If a book about failures doesn"t sell, is it a success?

10. If you"re not supposed to drink and drive, then why do bars have parking lots?

11. If you take an Oriental person and spin him around several times, does he become disoriented?

12. If vegetarians eat vegetables, what do humanitarians eat??   Human ??

13. If working hours are meant for working, then why are you reading this??

Well, get back to WORK now!!


باید بروم در خلوت سرخ

تا بتوانم  ترانه ی آگاهی بخوانم

و خدا است تنها پناهم

خلوت، تولد حقیقتم خواهد شد


پنج شنبه 4/7/1387 - 12:28 - 0 تشکر 60413

"Each night when I go to sleep I die, and next morning when I wake up I am reborn again"

- M K Gandhi

"Each night when I go to sleep I am reborn and next morning when I wake up I am dead again"
- Software Engineer


باید بروم در خلوت سرخ

تا بتوانم  ترانه ی آگاهی بخوانم

و خدا است تنها پناهم

خلوت، تولد حقیقتم خواهد شد


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