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  • 5/10/2011

The one Trusted by Islam and Muslims (Part 1)

sheikh kulayni_ tomb

The most famous scholar of Islamic law and Shiite Hadith narration in the first half of the fourth century is the trustworthy of Islam Muhammad ibn Ya’qub ibn Ishaq Kulayni Razi popularly known as Kulayni or Sheikh Kulayni.

Kulayni is of Iranian origin from the village of Kulayn located at thirty seven kilometers of the City of Rey and on the south-western region of the Qum –Tehran main way near present day Hassan Abad. Usul Al-Kafi is his most outstanding book. 

Birth: His exact year of birth has not been recorded. However, it is mentioned that his birth had already taken place by start of the imamate of the 11th Imam, which lasted from 254 A.H to 2560 A.H. Thus if he was 9-10 years old at this time, (an age when children begin to understand matters), then he must have been born around 250 A.H. He was born in the village of Kulain, about 38 kms from the Iranian city of Rey, which was an important city at that time. His father was also a scholar. Thus Muhammad bin Yaqoob al Kulayni was born around 250Ah, which was the period of imamate of the 10th Imam, and then when he was a little older, it was the period of the imamate of the 11th Imam.

Kunniyat: His kunniyat (agnomen) was Abu Ja’far. An interesting coincidence is that the name of all the three compilers of the 4 basic books of ahadith (al-kafi, Man la Yahdharuhul Faqih, Tehdheeb ul ehkam and Istibsaar fi mukhtatafil akhbar) is Muhammad, and the kunniyat of all of them was Abu Ja’far. Together they are called ‘mohammaduna thalatha’ or the three Muhammads. Another interesting fact is that even in later times, around 11th-12th centuries, three more important books of ahadith have been compiled, and the names of the compilers of all these three books are also Muhammad, and are called Muhammadun Thalatha al Awaqib. . These are (1) Muhammad Baqar bin Muhammad Taqi, famous by the name of Allama Majlisi. His book is Biharul Anwar, in 14 volumes. It is a treasure house of the teachings of the Ahl-ul-Bayt. (2) Muhammad bin Murtadha Muhsin Faidh Kashani. And the book is Al Wafi, in 26 volumes (3) Muhammad Hurr e Ameli, the book is Wasael us Shia and covers Shia Jurisprudence. It was originally in 6 volumes, but was later divided into 20 volumes. These scholars are called Muhammadun thalatha al Akhir (the last three Muhammads).

Title: His laqab (title) was ‘Thiqatul Islam’, the one trusted by Islam and Muslims. He was respected and trusted by all muslims and all have given him this title

Family and early life: His family was very learned and his father was a very well-known alim (scholar) and the sheikh and leader of the other Ulema of the village

Teachers: History has recorded the names of 36 of his teachers; prominent amongst these was Abu Ja’far Barqi Ali bin Samri, and Ali bin Muhammad Samri who later became the 4th special naeb (representative) of the12th Imam. Another of his teachers was Ali bin Ibraheem Qummi, the famous author of tafseer e Qummi. Ali bin Ibraheem Qummi was a companion of the 11th Imam, hence this tafseer has been written by a companion of the 11th imam. This implies that it was written by the author after hearing it from the Imam himself. Hence this tafseer is highly regarded in the circles of learning.

Students: History has recorded the names of 15 of his outstanding students. The kafi has reached us through three of these. These are: Ahmad bin Ahmad Katib Toofi,Muhammad bin Ibraheem and Abdullah Safwani. The latter is a descendent of the companion of the 7th Imam, safwani, to whom the Imam had said,”Safwan, we like everything about you, except that you hire out your camels to a cruel, tyrant king. It is related that once when the kazi of Mosul was visiting the king, he entered into a debate with Abdulla safwan regarding Imamate. When the debate reached a deadlock, Safwani invited the kazi to an imprecation (mubahilah). Thus they invoked the curse of Allah on the liar. The kazi died the very next day.

Source: coiradio.com

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