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  • 12/6/2010

Simple Ways to Eliminate Wisdom Toothache


Wisdom teeth can be a real problem for some people, while others may not have wisdom teeth at all. A portion of the world’s population has these teeth but don’t experience major pain. It all depends on the individual.

Wisdom teeth are often associated with inflammation of the gums and moderate-to-severe throbbing pain. Wisdom teeth do not have any specific age to come out and generally take several years to come out fully. If the wisdom tooth comes out naturally there is not much discomfort, but if the tooth is crooked or emerges in the wrong angle, it causes excruciating pain. The most common symptoms associated with wisdom teeth eruption are swelling of the mouth, inflammation and tenderness of the gum, stiffness in the jaw in the affected side, radiating pain towards the ear, headache, and fever. Sometimes, the pain is so severe that it interferes with normal daily activities. Many times, dentists recommend a surgical removal of the wisdom tooth to eliminate pain and discomfort permanently. Wisdom teeth that are broken or that have developed cavities also create lot of pains due to inflammation of the dental pulp.

Remedies for Wisdom Toothache

It is not always possible to rush to a dentist as soon as you have wisdom teeth pain. However, you can combat the pain and get some relief with these simple home remedies.

• Switch to liquid diet and avoid chewing hard food.

• Chewing guava leaves gives some relief, and it also keeps away harmful bacteria.

• Warm water with salt: A good way to reduce pain is to gargle with warm salted water. Salt toughens the gums, draws out infection, and reduces swelling. This works best with over the counter medication.

• Reduce the amount of sugar in your diet. Bacteria in the mouth convert sugar to acid that makes the tooth surface soft and prone to infection.

• Brush your teeth regularly: The food particles stuck in the crevices of your teeth usually work to increase the pain being felt by the sufferer. Not only does toothpaste contain ingredients that numb the pain of a growing wisdom tooth, it also helps to kill bacteria that can cause serious infections when left alone.

• Apply a slice of lemon to the affected area.

• Chewing a piece of garlic with salt is also helpful in reducing the pain.

• You can even place a piece of onion over the affected tooth for some relief. The natural antibacterial property of the onion keeps away bacteria from infecting the tooth further.

• Cloves oil is used for long time to reduce any type of toothache. Dab a piece of cotton with clove oil and place it directly over the painful tooth.

• You may apply ice cubes to your swollen gum to numb the area. This will definitely reduce the pain to a certain extent.

• Over-the-counter medicines like ibuprofen and Tylenol help to get temporary relief from the throbbing toothache. Applying numbing gels on the gum also helps to minimize the pain.

• Wheat grass juice is also recommended as a natural mouthwash that helps to alleviate the toothache.

• Visit your local dentist regularly for check up’s.

• If your pain still persists, or even if your pain has subsided, it is always a good idea to visit your dentist to rule out any chances of underlying infections.

• If your wisdom tooth is growing in a wrong angle with a sharp edge, your dentist will most likely recommend you for surgical removal of the tooth. However, you will need to have a regime of antibiotics to subside the pain and infection, if any, before you go for surgical intervention.

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