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  • 11/18/2009

Types of Jajim


Plain” and “Chahar-Koub” Jajim

Its weave is simpler and more common than other Jajims. It has different kinds of designs and images:

A) Stripe: In different colors, sometimes has Gumpul margin. Parallel lines of these hand woven have 5 to 1 cm width and sometimes decorate between rows by fine lines.

B) Checkered: This kind of jajim is woven in small and large squares. Colorful warps replaced each other and shown applied colors in every square, so lighten and darken colors of the ground. Sometimes it is decorated with small woolen gumpuls and give it special brightness. This gumpuls are applied in the center of squares or on the corner of them, in rows or zigzag pattern, as margin of jajim.

C) Khotab: Khotab is woven in parallel rows or stripped in different colors. Corners of each row, have ornaments alike to basic images of “Kongere Madakhel”, which narrow parts of tooth are towards the inside and in front of each other and makes a fantastic design.

D) Flower: Like other jajim images, is in parallel lines, but darker colors in each row, beside the next row, placed close to each other in such a manner, that are seen as a beautiful images. These images, according to weaver’s taste, which is specified by colors, create such beautiful flowers, which are compared to seven color napkin.

E) Toothed: Parallel lines of these jajims have 3 to 4 cm width. Each row has specific color. In the middle in each row, “toothed” basic image passes throughout jajim length and makes itself apparent among colors.

“Shisheh-Dermah” Jajim

These jajims are mostly used for decoration and hardly woven in tribes. “Shisheh-Dermah” is usually woven in two dark and light colors and sometimes with a margin, which is in harmony with ground in color.

This kind of jajim is mostly seen in dark blue and white, margin in white and black or in white and red. It is one sided hand woven, as the extra wefts of its other side are seen. Basic images of “Shisheh-Dermah” are lozenges, in which their sides are along to each other. In the center of every lozenge, a special motif is woven. Margin is woven in parallel lines and stripped and in harmony with ground.

Needle (Rend)

Images of these jajim are like those of kilim (in both ground and margin). Peacock, Cashmere Flower, Khorasan, Lengej, Tehran, Aqajeri, Sormeh-dan, flower leaf, Alma flower, images in various colors are mostly used; and wool or fuzz warps and wefts, make images magnificent. Sizes of these jajims, depending to the usage, are different, but 2x2.5m is more common. Corners of jajims, used as bedspread, are decorated by gumpuls and colorful pendants.


Source: caroun.com

Other links:

Iranian Art: Jajim Weaving

Iranian Carpets: Gabbeh

Photo Gallery of Gabbeh (Part1)

Photo Gallery of Gabbeh (Part2)

Khatamkari: Artistic Heritage

Khatamkari (Photo Gallery)

Iranian art: Termeh

Iranian Art: Mina-kari

Mina-kari ( Photo Gallery)

Qalamzani: Iranian Art of engraving images on metal

Qalamzani ( Photo Gallery)

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