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  • 6/20/2013

Some Useful and Best ways Get Rid of Sweat Stains

sweat stain

Do you know how to get sweat stains out of clothes? It’s a must-have skill for busy parents who are constantly working up a sweat running after those little explorers. We’re here to make sure you’ve got all the information you need to help keep your whites looking fresh and clean. Plus, these top tips are great for tackling those smelly P.E. kits, too! Yellow sweat stains can happen for a number of reasons, including a build-up of bacteria in sweat and also because of the deodorants that we wear.

These stains can seem troublesome, but the good news is that learning how to remove sweat stains is actually very quick and easy, no matter what sort of fabric you’re dealing with. 

Remember: when tackling sweat stains, always read the garment care label carefully and test your chosen stain removal method on a small area first.  

Use Antiperspirant

Apply a thin layer of antiperspirant to your underarms and let it dry before you put on your shirt.

Don’t Use Too Much Antiperspirant

Remember that a little antiperspirant goes a long way, so don’t slather it under your arms like butter. But, even these preventative measures won’t necessarily be a sure fix in defeating those sweat stains. Here are some tips to get rid of embarrassing sweat stains so you can feel confident wearing white (or any other color for that matter).

Use Cold Water

The number one simplest solution in removing sweat stains is cold water. Once you’ve noticed the stain on your shirt, quickly run it through cold water while rubbing the fabric together, removing as much as the stain as possible. The cold water washes away the acidity from the antiperspirant and keeps your shirts stain free. Running cold water on your shirts before you even notice a stain is a good preventative measure and will save you from more aggressive measures later. Here’s another piece of news:

putting your stained shirts through the washer and dryer cycle can actually “set” the stain and make it even harder to remove. Use cold water first, then wash your shirts with like colors.

Hydrogen Peroxide (Only on White)

This treatment should only be used for your white shirts. You can usually find Hydrogen Peroxide at your local grocery store for a very small price. Just put a couple of teaspoons of 3% solution on the spot, rub it, let it sit (for about 30 minutes), and then wash it with other whites.

Vinegar + Water

Vinegar is a household item that can be used safely on whites and colors. Mix one tablespoon of white vinegar with half a cup of water to clean those nasty stains from your clothes. Let the fabric sit for 20-30 minutes in the solution before putting in the washing machine on a cool water cycle.


Before you give up all hope of ever getting that yellow sweat stain out of your good white dress shirt, try this: Crush two aspirins and mix the powder in 1/2 cup warm water. Soak the stained part of the garment in the solution for two to three hours.

Dish soap

Have a stubborn sweat stain that just won't turn from yellow to white? Mix one part dish soap with two parts hydrogen peroxide, then scrub the stain and let it sit for an hour.


Salt's the secret to getting rid of those stubborn yellow stains where your shirt meets your armpits.

 Dissolve 4 tablespoons salt in 1 quart (1 liter) hot water. Just sponge the garment with the solution until the stain disappears.


Avoid expensive dry-cleaning bills! Remove unsightly underarm stains from shirts and blouses simply by scrubbing them with a mixture of equal parts lemon juice and water.

Baking soda

Pretreating clothes with a paste made from 4 tablespoons baking soda and 1/4 cup warm water can help vanquish a variety of stains. For example, rub it into shirts to remove perspiration stains; for really bad stains, let the paste dry for about two hours before washing. Rub out tar stains by applying the paste and washing in plain baking soda. For collar stains, rub in the paste and add a bit of vinegar as you're putting the shirt in the wash.


Rub out perspiration, as well as blood and urine stains on clothing by dabbing the area with a half-strength solution of ammonia and water before laundering.






Other links:

How To Get Rid Of Mud Stains?

How to Remove Ink Stains from Clothes Easily?

How to remove tomato sauce stains

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